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[0.8.8] Ability to View All Facebook Friends in Follow Tab

Please note: This idea only applies to Spotify desktop clients 0.8.8+


Since the latest Spotify release (at time of writing only rolled out to around 1% of users) the "People" tab has been removed and replaced with the new "Follow" tab. The functionality is great actually, allowing you to follow your friends as well as artists.


However, I really miss the ability to view all of my Facebook friends like in the People tab in the old client. In the new system, the Follow tab only offers suggestions and it is difficult to locate a single friend. 


All I am suggesting is a simple "View All" button in the Follow tab:

spotify follow view all.png


Which would allow me to view all of my Facebook friends with the Follow/Unfollow buttons shown, therefore making it easy to find a single friend, rather than currently having to either dig up a playlist from Facebook online or coninually refreshing the suggestions box.


Handy Tip: 

If you are connected to Facebook, you can view any friends profile by typing their name into the main desktop search box, their profile should be offered as a suggestion under the heading "Users" (image in spoiler below). This however is not replacement for being able to view all of your friends!




Updated: 2015-09-16

Hey everyone. You can now follow all your Facebook friends on Spotify. From the Desktop app go to Activity > View All. From there you can filter by name to find the Facebook friends you want to follow. 

 Screen Shot 2015-09-16 at 5.46.52 PM.png


Status changed to: Implemented

Updated: 2015-09-16

Hey everyone. You can now follow all your Facebook friends on Spotify. From the Desktop app go to Activity > View All. From there you can filter by name to find the Facebook friends you want to follow. 

 Screen Shot 2015-09-16 at 5.46.52 PM.png



I cant connect to facebook. when i try to connect to facebook and write in facebook logins the box just disappears.

I have a spotify account on facebook, have tried to remove it and log in to facebook on spotify, again. then it pops up info about facebook logins. when i accepted the everything. I am not connected to facebook.

this annoys me really really much

Mi cuenta spotify estaba ligada a mi facebook, pero este lo elimine y di de alta otro, este otro facebook esta hecho con el mismo correo el cual cree la cuenta de spotify, al momento de querer ligar el nuevo facebook con mi cuenta spotify me indica que este facebook ya esta con una cuenta spotify, que necesitó hacer, quiero ligar mi nuevo facebook con mi spotify... Ayudaaaaaaaa

 So does that mean I should totally delete Spotify, then reinstall the software to get the friend feature back? mlstanf at yahoo com


Where is the app Activity? I can't find it anywhere on the software.


>You can now follow all your Facebook friends on Spotify. From the Desktop app go to Activity > View All. From there you can filter by name to find the Facebook friends you want to follow. <



Ok!!! I don't know what I did but I found my Facebook Friends. OMG! I thought I lost it. Thanks for listening.






i cant find any of my Facebook friends... Spotify says "None of your Facebook friends are on Spotify"!!! Can you believe it?

Of course this is not possible.... i am sure i have Facebook friends on spotify.....


Any help?


thank you




Hi everybody, 

I do need some help please,

It's impossible for me to find my facebook friends on Spotify.. and dont understand why,

I do have friends using Spotify and it notices "0 friends on Spotify" 

Thank you in advance for your help.... 




Bonjour à tous, 

J'ai vraiment besoin de votre aide,

Impossible de retrouver mes amis facebook sur Spotify, et je ne comprends pas pourquoi,

J'ai beaucoup d'amis facebook utilisant spotify mais c'est indiqué "0 amis sur Spotify"

Merci par avance pour votre aide.






I connected my facebook to spotify but when I click on "find friends", it shows 0 friends. When I manually searched friends, some were able to show up. Please fix the facebook connection issue.


I can't view or find friends on my account. It says I've authorised Spotify on my Facebook account, but I still can't find or view friends. The tabs are their to select either recommended or friends but still zero friends show..