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[Discover] Exclude selected Playlists from Taste Profile and Discover Suggestions

I play music off Spotify for my bubba to fall asleep to. This is typically classical/meditative relaxing style tracks. Since she sleeps 4 times a day this type of music is getting a LOT of playtime but is not representative of my music taste. I'm finding my Discover Weekly (which I LOVE by the way) is moving more away from my music and more towards the classical/chill out stuff I play for the little one. 


Would be super cool to be able to mark a playlist to exclude it from the Discover algorithm.



Updated on 2023-02-09

Hey folks,


Thanks for coming to the Spotify Idea Exchange and voting to make this happen.


We're happy to announce that Exclude from Taste Profile feature is now available on all platforms. There's more info about the topic in our Newsroom Article. 

If you'd like to give it a try right now, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the playlist of your choice. 
  2. Tap the three dots near the top of the playlist.
  3. Select “Exclude from your Taste Profile.”


Once again, thanks for helping us make Spotify better, by participating here on the Community 🙂 


Spot on DarthDisco, it really can’t be that difficult.  Pathetic Spotify


Furthermore, when playing on devices like an Alexa, private sessions are not even an option. 


The answer provided is all well and good, until you listen through a smart device (Google Home, Sonos, etc), at which point I can't tell it to run in private listening mode. And guess what, I listen to sleep-music mostly through my Sonos in my bedroom, so now my recommendations is ALL sleep music, ie. useless.


A truly pathetic response from Spotify there. We're all well aware of the private listening feature, and as many had stated BEFORE this official response was written, it simply doesn't do what we're asking for.


It says "May" - what does that mean? Does it or doesn't it? I find myself using other music platforms (Apple Music and Amazon Music) for anything I dont want showing up in my Daily Mixes or Discover Weekly - there are also certain artists I only listen to on other platforms bc it's not reflective of the rest of my music taste. I would use Spotify for everything if this was an option.


Hey Spotify,


Now it's 2020 and still, you don't have this feature. I get it in 2016 it was not on your list but I think someone must check "Not Right Now" status more often to suggest to the developer team.


Private listening can't solve the problem because the music we don't want, already integrated into our Weekly Discover / Music Suggestion. Even if we start to use private listening, it's going to take months to finally get rid of that. Then boom, end of the year, those songs most played 2020 list in the end of the year which can be filled out great recommendations instead of yoga music.


This. The weekly discover list is one of the reasons for using Spotify and its kinda annoying to have it dominated by lists that I use for other reasons 


Come one Spotify.  When are you going to do something about this massive hole in your system functionality.  


This needs to be implemented. it is NOT practical to switch to private session when I am going to work, when I am going to sleep, or when the holidays come around and I play holiday music. 

There is an option to make a playlist "secret" and i know that is for a different purpose, but you could bundle this into that. Best case would be to just add the option "ignore in recommendations" or something. 


This is not a solution. My running playlist has destroyed any other generated playlists for me. A simple switch like the download to exclude or even sets a playlist to private listening would do