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[Playlists] Sorting Options for List of Playlists

I would love to be able to sort my playlists by Artists, then drill down by album so as not to clutter my Spotify. It's pretty hard to organize my playlists the current way. Any ideas on a future iteration that will enable this capability?

Updated on 2019-06-25

Hey folks,


Slight update to this idea, which we think is worth highlighting. With the recent update to Your Library on mobile, it's now possible to sort and filter your Playlists, Artists and Albums in more ways. 


To find the filters, just pull down on the tab you're on, select filters and then choose the one you'd like. The 'Custom Order' filter on the Playlist section will mirror the order you have on Desktop - which means it's now possible to maintain the way your organise your tunes on Desktop across to Mobile. 


We'd recommend checking out this Spotify Answer for tips on how to add playlist folders using the desktop app. They're super handy for keeping your music organized.


With the search function at the top it's also possible to drill down by Artist in your Album section. To do so, just pull down and type the name of the artist you're looking for. 


Will now mark this idea as Implemented.




...I have to agree with a lot of the comments here regarding the ability to sort your playlist anyway you want(alphabetically/date made/pictures-of-my-budgies/ emoji symbols). The "not right now" tag given is an insult to the users. The probable reason why this "idea" hasn't been updated in a "while" is that the world at large view the abililty to sort (not randomize) a playlist as a fundemental not "a nice to have", but when receiving a comment like the one given one throws their hands up and say "really not enough Kudos".. Disappointing that Spotify can't get it's act together. 


I have several playlist selected from friends. I would like to listen to and later create my own ones.

I can not figure out....How to listen to the whole playlist, avoiding that after a song from the 'selected playlist' "jumps" into a song from the RELATED MUSIC listed on the right.


Question: How to deactivate completely the related music section? I would like to listen to the whole playlist, otherwhise, I don't undertand the reason why we have can access to them, but not being able to play the whole playlist music selection. Thanks!


This really shouldn't be difficult. I should be able to sort by date added, then select 'set as playlist order'.


I often want to share my 'favorites' playlist (used to be starred) that has my favorite 800+ songs from the last few years, but I don't like that it defaults to showing the oldest music first. please spotify.


 I want my playlists to play with the songs in the order that I have them listed, but they always shuffle.  How do I get this to stop?  It happens on my desktop and my android phone.


This issue has now been closed, but it's obvious from the 80 pages of comments that people care about it. I have started a new feature request which is a more simple version of this one. Perhaps Spotify will consider it. Please go here and vote it up:


Alot of people that i have read the comments from have commented on the option to better sort their idividual songs to make playlists easier like GENRE SORTING for example, but spotify has said they aren't going to implement it, why is this? Something you would expect to be on a music program isn't there, The idea is here in so many comments and ideas yet it goes ignored, maybe SPOTIFY should spend less time advertising and fixing their program if they want subscribers.


Hi Folks, just take a look at Deezer. I could import all my playlists from Spotify and there where a bunch of songs which aren't longer to hear at Spotify - Deezer has them, and I can hear my music again. But I must say that the actual Deezer Windows "app" (under Win 10) is **bleep** and even worse than the Spotify program. No sorting options, and very les functions at all. Deezer just begins with this Windows app and so I hope that there will be more to come in the future. Sorting of songs and playlists can eaysily be done in a browser window while using a windows PC.


Deezer app on Android tablet and smartphone is good, the sound is good, and there are a lot of sorting options that are easy to use.


2017 and still no way to sort playlists.


Ok... this is dumb... How are users supposed to find specific music in your library when an advanced search function is not available, you can't pinpoint a specific keyword that triggers an algorithm to show the desired song and your development team refuses to add features that thousands want????? Further, adding an idea to this forum is a nightmare to even do plus on top of that, the user interface on the platform on desktop, console, AND mobile all have major UX faults. I would love to consult on the UI and interface because I know that I can create a better, more user-friendly design. In fact, why don't you make it easier on users and allow for the modularization of the platform so we can lay out the blocks how WE want them especially since you won't give us an advanced search or filter option... I mean, how many people know, by heart, how to locate songs by release year and genre? How about sub-genre??? Your development team seems to be impossible to reach through this channel and it is starting to look like other solutions may be a better fit for my family and their money. **bleep**, I've been with Spotify since the beginning and have yet to see anything groundbreaking in the UX or in the programming that I can not get with other vendors. I know that development costs money but I am sure that in your customer base, there are some dedicated coders who would design an advanced search add-in that could connect right into what you have built. Same with several other users requests that the Spotify dev team have seemed to just ignore or chalk up as not important. How much of your customer base actually visits your website? How much of that total converts to a forum user and of that what is the return rate with qualifiable ideas that could take the solution beyond its minimalistic and in most cases, confusing UX? I truly mean no disrespect but from a UX and development perspective, based on what I have seen in your forum, It may help with your forward direction. The easier you make it for the users to find exactly what they are looking for, the better results from WOM marketing.

Dear Kaotica.

So why not design a new skin for Spotify to replace the one they're using/give the added functionality you desire? Then release the skin as a freebie, so others can use it too. Or design a search function as a plug-in users can replace the current one with - it's all in modules in the installation, it's easy enough to find where the modules ARE.

If you can do the work, as you say you can, do it and let us use it!
