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[Playlists] Sorting Options for List of Playlists

I would love to be able to sort my playlists by Artists, then drill down by album so as not to clutter my Spotify. It's pretty hard to organize my playlists the current way. Any ideas on a future iteration that will enable this capability?

Updated on 2019-06-25

Hey folks,


Slight update to this idea, which we think is worth highlighting. With the recent update to Your Library on mobile, it's now possible to sort and filter your Playlists, Artists and Albums in more ways. 


To find the filters, just pull down on the tab you're on, select filters and then choose the one you'd like. The 'Custom Order' filter on the Playlist section will mirror the order you have on Desktop - which means it's now possible to maintain the way your organise your tunes on Desktop across to Mobile. 


We'd recommend checking out this Spotify Answer for tips on how to add playlist folders using the desktop app. They're super handy for keeping your music organized.


With the search function at the top it's also possible to drill down by Artist in your Album section. To do so, just pull down and type the name of the artist you're looking for. 


Will now mark this idea as Implemented.




Why the heck does Spotify resist providing this function, in the face of
literally thousands of requests???

They ignore these wishes just because THEY CAN. Soptify has grown big enough to ignore those "few thousands" fools that still use Spotify on a Windows pc...


Is this ever going to come?  How people over the course of so many years have asked yet Spotify does not seem to care.  Surprising with the music subscription wars going on.  


yep pretty basic standard feature


This is the stupidest functionality to not offer. Why not allow sorting a million different ways? Alphabetically by artist, by album, by album year, etc. I am a programmer and these features would literally take minutes to create. It makes me HATE Spotify for dropping the ball on something so easy to deliver. Why do you hate your users?

Would like to be able to sort my songs not only alphabetically or by artist but to be able to move my songs up and down the playlist to wherever I'd  like to have them.  That way anyone can sort their music however they like.


I understand your point and I also would like to sort playlists with albums and artists.
As placeholder, even if it's not for a particular playlist, I would suggest to go through the artist section of your music when you browse, it will sort all of you artist and also only show you which album you "saved" even it's only one song from an album
Hope it helps meanwhile 🙂
And @user-removed above
You can already pick and move the songs in the playlist to put them where you want. At least on Desktop version (PC and MAC)
Actually you can also already sort album and artist and date added, or title in the playlist.
In Destkop version again. Maybe it's better to rework and edit your playlist on PC and then enjoy on your phone, it's also easier on a bigger screen to have sight on what follows what.
Cheers !

What I want to be able to do is every time I add a song to a playlist add
it exactly where I want it to be in my playlist. Not very last. If I
want to play certain 15 songs first within that playlist I want to be able
to do it. It's very annoying not to have that. And the fact that I'm
paying a monthly fee for a service that doesn't get better with time is
very frustrating.

But I want to be able to sort the playlists themselves. I am not talking about sorting within the playlists. Why is this a feature it takes five years to deliver? It is ridiculous. It isn't hard to do, there is nothing to figure out, this has been solved in many, many UI's already. 


HI!, Original poster here... YOU WILL NOT IGNORE US. WE ARE THAT WHAT MADE YOU!. I literally have watched as over time people have seen this and said," wow, I want to sort my playlist too", or,"It should be a standard to organize how I want." Maybe 1k people is not enough but over time it has grown, and now thousands want this. WILL YOU IGNORE US ALL? Then maybe we should sop paying for a service that isn't taking criticism.


In digging around, I found that iTunes music has the same functionality as Spotify with a sortable search find and search function. Just a heads up.