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[Web Player] Bring back the old Web Player

The minimalism of the web player makes it near unusable (self.spotify)

submitted 2 minutes ago by MovkeyB

Here is a list of basic stuff that got removed:

  • See the radio
  • See the queue
  • See the song length
  • see how far in the song you are

Here is stuff that got destroyed in terms of functionality.

  • adding a song to a playlist is now a lot more difficult and requires moving a lot more bc it opens up a HUGE window instead of the little menu

  • The volume slider is not live, its drag and drop so you can't hear the effect of the volume change in real time

Everything is HUGE and they just seem to love all the dead space and tell me pretty much nothing about whats going on.

It's atrocious. I've used it for about 10 minutes and I already despise it with a burning passion. These things I mentioned are just the ones that are just immediately obvious because I USE THEM FREQUENTLY

Updated on 2019-06-25

Hey folks, 


We're just going through a few older ideas that we haven't updated. 


Most of the functionality listed in the original post exists on the Web Player. The queue can be found in the bottom right corner near the Volume bar and you can find Radio by clicking the three dots next to any song, album or playlist. 


If you have any new ideas you'd like to see on the webplayer, feel to submit them here.




GOD SAME I liked the old web browser it was WAY MORE EASY to use and now it's so clumped up and makes it REALLY HARD to just save a quick song, that, and you cant?? delete a playlist after making it ?? likE??? UGH AND ALSO THE REPEAT BUTTON LIKE. DOESNT WORK


The old 'Play' player to me is Spotify. That's what I'm paying for, and they've taken it away (unless I hack my UA, and who knows how long that will work). The new player misses loads of features. The most important to me is the ability to put check-marks next to all the songs I like for an artist, and then play all those songs across all albums for that artist on shuffle from the Artists tab. This is corporate suicide at a level not seen since the pages of Dilbert.


I get that you want to develop a new web player. But why do you have to force it on everyone, when it is far from ready. What did you even think? "Sorting 100+ Artists by Name or Last Added - surely no one will miss that feature!"??? etc. etc.



Subscription cancelled, enough. 


I agree to all above, the new Player ist not useable on pc.


It's missing a lot of features the old player had. I'm fine with a new look, but getting rid of so much functionality is awful. There are a lot of us that don't have the option to install software at work and have to use the web player and now it is a pain to use.


I also agree with this, I have to use the online version at work as I cannot download it so not sure if its any different.

As a user I would like to be able to navigate around spotify easily and be able to switch between menus and icons:

  1. Usability has not been improved with this layout at all
  2. Sizing issues, the icons are huge so I am now forever scrolling and where the heck had 'folk' gone its my most use genre?
  3. Look and feel is more oldschool too and less sexy and sleek

I think a first simple step would be to reduce sizing or give the 'list' or 'icon' view. I have tried to even zoom out as a quick fix but it only affects the  main structure of the page not the icons



I haven't been able to use spotify since the update as I'm on a linux computer and work does not allow random downloads to upgrade versions. Please rollback a version so everyone will stop hating on your terrible "upgrade" and linux users can again listen to spotify. I'm a goddam premium user for god's sake. Get rid of the Get Premium Button. How does spotify not know I'm a premium user. It's like dealing with freaking homer simpson over here. AND PROVIDE AN ACTUAL FEEDBACK AREA OTHER THAN THIS "POSTING IDEAS" BS. WHERE PEOPLE WILL NOTIFY US WHEN OUR ISSUES ARE NOTED AND ARE BEING WORKED ON! NOTHING ABOUT THIS COMMUNITY BLOG LETS YOU KNOW IF YOUR ISSUES ARE GOING TO BE FIXED OR NOT


I've been told by a customer service that they've taken away the queue feature and it's no longer available on the web player. I'm really rethinking my subscription because now there's no queue at all and no plans to bring it back. This sucks.


Not sure if related, but I am extremely frustrated with the change I'm seeing on the iPad app. 


I always use it in landscape mode and I was previously able to see 2-3 lists next to eachother. This was the main reason I liked Spotify! So easy to browse and switch between things! Now I can only see a SINGLE list at a time, with 70% of my screen useless dark grey background. The menu bar is now at the bottom too, so I think that's related. 


It's like I've gone from a world of possibilities and ease of use to just having and looking at 30% of the previous functionality. Like it's designed for a child who can only deal with a single menu or playlist at a time. I absolutely hate it and I don't really feel like using it at all today. Can only hope it goes back, as soon as possible, because if I have to deal with the frustration of this downgrade much longer I might as well stop using Spotify because I'm here to enjoy myself not get angry.