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[Web Player] Bring back the old Web Player

The minimalism of the web player makes it near unusable (self.spotify)

submitted 2 minutes ago by MovkeyB

Here is a list of basic stuff that got removed:

  • See the radio
  • See the queue
  • See the song length
  • see how far in the song you are

Here is stuff that got destroyed in terms of functionality.

  • adding a song to a playlist is now a lot more difficult and requires moving a lot more bc it opens up a HUGE window instead of the little menu

  • The volume slider is not live, its drag and drop so you can't hear the effect of the volume change in real time

Everything is HUGE and they just seem to love all the dead space and tell me pretty much nothing about whats going on.

It's atrocious. I've used it for about 10 minutes and I already despise it with a burning passion. These things I mentioned are just the ones that are just immediately obvious because I USE THEM FREQUENTLY

Updated on 2019-06-25

Hey folks, 


We're just going through a few older ideas that we haven't updated. 


Most of the functionality listed in the original post exists on the Web Player. The queue can be found in the bottom right corner near the Volume bar and you can find Radio by clicking the three dots next to any song, album or playlist. 


If you have any new ideas you'd like to see on the webplayer, feel to submit them here.




Okay, so I can confirm that the old Spotify player shows up on Safari for Mac.Screen Shot 2017-05-10 at 3.03.21 PM.png

If the options in your user agent switching/spoofing extention don't work, use this one:

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/601.2.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0.1 Safari/601.2.7


LOL, now I'm using the Radio feature while I can...

Status changed to: Not Right Now

Hey folks, thanks for coming to the Idea Exchange with your feedback around the Web Player. With this updated version you can see a new design, improved performance and Spotify Connect integration.


This idea is asking for quite a few things--it's better to make one idea for each feature you want back. There is already an idea about the return of the play queue right here. Please know we are still testing and improving the new web player and are taking on board all feedback! We'll keep an eye on this idea as you continue to leave votes and comments. 


@meahtenohaI'm pretty sure what we all want most is for you to give us continued access to the old interface (without the nonsense of changing user agents, etc) while the new interface is developed to a point where it's a workable replacement (ideally with our feedback as voiced in this idea and separate, individual ideas).


Given that it seems you're unwilling to do that, I (and many others, I imagine) will be cancelling my subscription when it's up in a couple days and moving to Amazon Music Unlimited.


When users are going to the lengths they're going to (user agent hacks) to get back to the product that you previously had, it should be a very very clear signal to you that you've missed a step in the development of the replacement. I'm sure the vast majority of your users aren't going to go to those lengths and so it doesn't really matter to you in the end, but I would suggest that upsetting your most enthusiastic users in this way is something that you should be concerned about. I've gone from raving about Spotify to my friends and family to suggesting that they steer clear and take a look at competitor's products instead.


@shutter41 It might be better if all these issues are actually adressed in the new web player. We'd still have the old features but a newer and better interface. That's a win in my book.


Besides, the Browse section still isn't loading (for me) in the old web player.


@meahtenoha There must be some political reason why you're pushing people off the old player that you're not telling us about, because there isn't a technical or user-experience reason to do so that I can see. It must be a pretty strong reason to risk all this brand damage and upset customers (and you know that customers griping to everyone who'll listen about the terrible changes to Spotify web-player is viral, right?) Can you tell us anything about the politics behind this crazy crazy decision by Spotify?



The new player works about 50% of the time for me.  Often I click play and nothing happens.  Visually, functionally, organizationally, I don't see any improvement.  I miss the Spotify I used to love and enjoy.  This thread pretty thoroughly shows the outcry for the old player, functions, and visuals.  


I agree with others - If we knew why we had to deal with a subpar platform for now, it would be helpful.  Otherwise, it just seems like bad decisions iced with poor testing and negligent customer service.  



meredith, they are going to issue an IPO and by getting rid of the best
thing since sliced bread they will force people to pay for what once was
free. so it isn't political, just economic. hopefully the adage the bulls
do okay, the bears do okay and the pigs get slaughtered will obtain.

@meahtenoha: I originally DID make a new "idea", and someone merged it into this one. I made another new idea about something else, and someone merged it into another idea that wasn't the same. It's likely a lot of the other responses here were merged too.


Biggest features I need on the webplayer is 1) Ability to reorder playlists 2) Add to collaborate playlists (like serious, why don't they come up on my list when I click "Add to playlist?")