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Windows Phone 8

Rocking the Lumia 920 and the only thing I miss is Spotify.  It's such a great platform and Spotify would make for a great WP8 app. 


In the meantime, can you at least port the WP7 to support new WP8 devices?  I don't know if I can stand waiting as long as it took for the Android app to come out...

We announced it a while back and so we're pleased to mark this Idea as Implemented since the Spotify WP8 is live:




See here for more details:


Edit 18/12/12 - For the latest information on Windows Phone, please head to this thread.


Likewise. Like Spotify, but no app on Windows Phone 8 is hopeless.


Any updates on a release date for the WP8 app?  We are a month into Q1 now.  


Same story here, cancelled my spotify subsciption for now. 


i'd gladly switch back to spotify if there was a WP8 app as xbox music confuses me to no end. I've not even managed to get any music on my phone using it yet and i've been buggering about with zune on the pc which adds to the confusion.


Make the WP8 spotify app for my sanity please


I WAS waiting for the Spotify app for WP8, but I've switched to Nokia Music. Let me tell you, they are improving fast. Nokia Music sucked 2 months ago, but it's a whole different app now. It does exactly what Xbox Music does in uploading (well scanning really) all of your songs to your account from your PC and let's you listen to them without having to sync your phone to your PC. Also, it has a radio feature much like Spotify and Pandora now.

I'm seriously enjoying Nokia Music and they said they're coming out with more and will only charge $3.99. I hated it 2 months ago, but I love it now.


Spotify lost me as a customer because they took too long while others are running with it.


Love my Lumia 920 - only thing it is missing is Spotify. Will be looking around for alternatives...


No need for the perfect app - just release something to enable us to get by until you get the nice app up and running.....


Just gut my Lumia 920 🙂  -  and no Spotify 😞



Come on Spotify I have been a premium user since the start of Spotify. It is sad to be forced to quit my acount but I have no choice.


Im not sure why a Spotify for WP8 isnt available.. there is one for WP7 that should work in the marketplace. I have it on my Dell Venue Pro running 7.8


Official Announcement (Copy and Paste):


"We're happy to announce that a beta version of the Windows Phone 8 Spotify app is now available! You can download the app here.


Because this app is a beta version we are especially interested in your opinions.

If you:

Thank you, and may fortune smile upon you."


THANK YOU Spotify, it is literally like I have an old friend back. Thank you.