Help Wizard

Step 1


[Ads] Ads Filter

I know we can't pick and choose what ads to see, but at least for a teensy bit of decency (especially for people listening to spotify in a professional work environment) can we not have half naked Victoria's Secret super sexy models?


Personally, I could care less about ads. And in fact, I am a woman who shops at Victoria's Secret. Still- I just had an awkward moment with some coworkers AND my boss. I'd like very much for that not to happen again. In the very least, how about an image that isn't half the size of the window? 


I know no one's going to agree, and believe me, I'd be the last person to complain about spotify (it's awesome). But seriously, it's a bit much.



Updated on 2020-12-07

Hi everyone,


Thank you for adding your votes and comments to this idea, we appreciate your patience.

We're just checking in, to confirm we're keeping this set to 'good idea'.


We are working on making ads more personalized, to create better experiences for our users.

Rest assured we're continuing to bring your feedback to the right teams here too.


I'm 13, and am being advertised 15 films. My birthdate on Spotify is 2004, so why am I being advertised 15 films? Surely the ads can be set to a certain age range?


No horror movie ads for me please!


Horror movie ads, too!  I haven't used Spotify for two weeks now, since I started having nightmares from the latest horror movie ad playing late at night.  Spotify is losing any ad revenue they'd get from me because of one particular type of ad. 


It seems your team is not working that hard to improve the ad situation because some of the comments are from 2012 and the ads just seem to get louder and bigger?????


I'm a veterinary medicine college student (up to my neck in loans), and plan to invest in purchasing spotify after graduation. However, during the time being I use free, which I am very gracious for. As a Big for Big Brothers Big Sisters, I'd like to listen to music with my Little without ads for songs that include mild swearing, sexual references, and drug references. Please sensor the ads or allow for a setting for family friendly music.


"Serial Killers hunting girls"-themed ads needs to be changed. I have a 2 yearl old child who feels terrified by Disney villains.Need I say more?


Super agree.


I am a teacher, and "Trojan Condom Ads" are almost always present.


Agreed.  Users should have the ability to only hear "Rate G" ads. Some people listen at schools and workplaces (some of which may be religious in nature), or at home around small children.  "Rated G" ads should follow the same guidelines as movies.  No **bleep**, alcohol, profanity, nudity, partial nudity, violence. Give me ads about insurance, cars, computers, phones, food, restaurants, etc. all day.  But please no ads about booze, condoms, **bleep**, gambling, or containing profanity or partial nudity.  Thanks.

daisyfriends stated previously ad nauseum, no one cares that we have to listen to ads but I'm at WORK listening to beautiful Christmas music and an ad with "motherf&#@ker" comes blasting on, followed by an advertisement for a festival that includes di*dos...seriously? This thread is YEARS and YEARS old's clearly an issue that your listeners DO care about and you DON'T seem to care about. Play as many ads as you want but please, for the love, get rid of the raunchy and explicit ads. Please.


I agree. I keep getting this ad about pregnancy and I have no intention to ever have kids. For me it's just annoying, irrelevant and kind of gross, but it could be really upsetting for someone who has trouble with miscarriage/infertility and wants to have kids. it would make sense to do at least what Facebook does and add filters for topics like alcohol and parenting.