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[Music] Shuffle by Album

Simple enough concept:  Shuffle by albums instead of by tracks, for those of us who prefer full-album listening.


Should function at least within playlists and the play queue.  Perhaps it could also work in radio mode.

Updated on 2019-10-27

Hey folks,
We really appreciate so many of you coming to the Community, adding your votes and comments to this idea!
We're keeping this idea at 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. 
If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.


Not just on the desktop apps, but also on the mobile apps.


I think I wrote the same things a while ago, because I couldn't find anything on it, but please Spotify! Just make this happen!


Yeah this is really kind of absurd it's not implemented yet.


I would love this! Many other music players do this. I often listen to music while I work (desk work, involving lots of nitty-gritty algebra), and I like to listen to less-catchy music while I work- generally stuff that's more ambient, has a fairly steady beat, and albums where the songs blend together well. I have a playlist of albums like this, but I have to rearrange them every day so that it's not the same order. Shuffling by song would be far too distracting; I might as well listen to more disconnected albums at that point. Please let this happen!


Thanks for suggesting this idea.  I've been trying to manage a way to do something like this in Spotify for quite a while now.  It would especially come in handy for listening to classical music, along with the gapless playback feature they added.

It's pretty much the only way I listen to music in iTunes or on my iPod.


This is the feature I miss the most after switching to spotify. 


I can't fully switch to Spotify until this feature is added.

Status changed to: Good idea, vote for it

Is this not solved yet? Spotify C'mon we need you to listen! We need to double-click on an album to start album shuffle instead of selecting a track!!! Tweet, post it on their wall & share. 





This is essential, how is this not implemented yet? I add tons of new albums to my queue, but I hate being stuck with following the order they were added in, or having to move albums around, a simple album shuffle button would make this a much better experience, not mentioning it's something practically every music playing device or software has.


I hope this is built into an update soon.