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[Music] Shuffle by Album

Simple enough concept:  Shuffle by albums instead of by tracks, for those of us who prefer full-album listening.


Should function at least within playlists and the play queue.  Perhaps it could also work in radio mode.

Updated on 2019-10-27

Hey folks,
We really appreciate so many of you coming to the Community, adding your votes and comments to this idea!
We're keeping this idea at 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. 
If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.


Lack of this feature means I'm just listening to the two or three albums in a row on repeat. Value proposition of my subscription decreases.


This would be really usefull. Please guys, give it to us!


11 years after the first post and ... Nothing. Don't know if the concurrents are doing better but a simple function as this one should have been implemented quickly for the sake of users but maybe not for your business!


I doubt this will be added, but I'm trying to stay hopeful.


I think it would be great to add a shuffle by album option. For long playlists made of a bunch of albums, I would like to randomise the album, but play all songs of one album before moving to the next random album. Playing random tracks across all albums feels a bit jarring for some types of playlists. It would be a real unique feature. It seems like it shouldn't be too hard to add, but I am no expert at programming, so I might be wrong here. Do enough people in the community agree?


It is 2024 and I vote for this feature to be considered. No other music player whether streaming or mp3 player provides this option. It is really useful for playlists made of a bunch of albums.

Foobar2000 has done this since like 2004
Winamp had this in the previous century. iTunes has had this since the
iPod. Yet after 12 years and 18 pages of comments they continue to refuse
to give us this simple feature.

And they don’t have to give it to us, do they? Cory Doctorow coined a word
for when customers and producers are locked into a platform.