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Bring back Playlist radio

Radio is only available for artists and albums but not for playlists.

Updated on 2023-07-15

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


Kinda dumb that users have to go and hunt for this stupid like button when there is a post 16 pages long telling you it's a terrible idea.


It was a ridiculous and terrible decision to remove playlist radio and it reduces user flexibility and overall functionality. It was one of my most used features by far, and now it's just gone and with effectively no warning or announcement whatsoever... Even Russia gave Ukraine more heads up of their freaking invasion than Spotify gave its customers of this change, it's almost as if you knew this would be a universally panned choice and decided to do it quietly!


The so-called "smart" shuffle function you added instead is a joke - it primarily replays the same songs I already have in my playlists, if all I wanted was to re-hear the same-ish I already liked enough to save then I'd use the regular shuffle function! 
And don't even get me started on the 'enhance' function, it's wayyyy too invasive, as I lose direct control over what gets added to MY playlists, hence why most users including myself rarely ever used it before now…

The single track/album radio option is also much too limiting - When I’m looking to find new music I want to do so based on multiple diverse types of songs I enjoy simultaneously, limiting me to a single song or album results in substantially narrower song suggestions, and will ultimately turn my library into essentially an “echo chamber” of music, which is precisely want I strive to AVOID!

Based on the feedback submitted to this very post it's clear users unanimously agree that removing the playlist radio function makes the new music discovery process substantially worse, not better... As such, assuming Spotify bothers to actually READ users feedback it is incomprehensible why you'd still choose to remove functionality that's clearly much loved by the community, and replace it with objectively worse and at best much more limited alternatives! I mean seriously just look at the freaking tags on this post (circled in red and attached to this msg, just in case you missed them at the top of this post lol), they certainly don't express optimism and appreciation do they?! Bring back playlist radio NOW! #MakePlaylistRadioGreatAgain! #MPRGA


I discovered that playlist radio was removed this morning as I was trying to generate a playlist for a run… I came here to see what was going on and realized it had been removed which I HATE. The advantage of radio was that you could curate a dedicated playlist for specific genres without mixing your own songs with recommended ones (like shuffle does - which is not a good experience AT ALL) please bring it back!


Bad idea to remove this key feature. Should be restored asap, or it‘s just anotuer win for the competition.


I write in German to enlarge the audience:

in Spotify ist die Radio-Funktion für Playlist entfernt. Kein Radio mehr in Playlist von Spotify.

Das update hat zu diesen Änderungen geführt, hier bitte dafür Voten, dass die Funktion wieder zurückkommt, siehe erste Seite thread.


we're at 180, people, rejoice!!!


Do you guys understand why Smart Shuffle does NOT replace Playlist Radio?  Do you?  I'm betting you don't.  Let me put it down in plain English: Playlist Radio is our way of exploring new music.  We don't want to hear anything we have in our playlist.  We are in EXPLORE mode.  Imagine if you went shopping but was forced to look at and buy products that you already have before you can buy something new.  Honestly guys, what were you thinking?  Who's brilliantly stupid idea was it?  You are losing it.  Smart Shuffle is nice but it is NOT an 100% EXPLORE feature.  I am forced to fast forward through 3-4 songs to get to the one I'm trying to find.  Who would subject their customers to such idiocy?  You are forcing me and others to look at other apps.   


@Eni , @Luan - When will this request be categorized as "Live Idea"? When will it be reviewed with the product team? 


Hey look. Yet another Idea (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) asking to roll back a change that Spotify doesn't have a problem with because it's not about the new UI.


God, Spotify's hypocrisy knows no bounds apparently. There are like a dozen or more Ideas asking for this new trash home page UI to be removed—all of which were closed because apparently it's a rule that "Requests for complete roll-backs are not allowed." (Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) And yet they don't seem to have any problem with this idea asking for a feature that was removed to be restored. If that's not a "complete roll-back" I don't know what is.


Why don't you just come clean and flat out say that you just aren't going to get rid of the new UI no matter how many people hate it?




@dtietze0 @alixiab


Eni, there's an error in this thread. This idea was already voted on.


It was voted on. It was implemented, and you went back on it AGAIN!

TBH all 165 replies to this thread should count as votes on this poll

This is completely the norm for Spotify. From a previous comment I made:

The Idea Exchange is a joke at best and a malicious tool that's used to pacify users by giving them an illusion of control at worst, and either way a pathetic substitute for a proper issue/feature request tracker. Spotify will do what they want.


Example: an idea was submitted to remove the track limit on playlists. The person submitting the idea specifically stated that the limit should be removed on all playlists, including—but not limited to—what was then called the "Songs" playlist (now called "Liked Songs") within your "Collection" (now your "Library"—this Idea is from 2014 and terminology has changed since). It gained enough votes within the required time frame to be implemented. Then, rather than implementing the actual idea which was submitted and voted for (removing all playlist caps), Spotify "implemented" the idea by removing the Liked Songs cap (playlists are still locked to 10,000 but you can like as many songs as you'd like now), closed the idea, and now demands that if you want the playlist cap removed, you should open another idea and hope it gets enough votes within their narrow time frame again, despite the fact that their users have already voted and clearly stated that they want this. 



Copying this here as it seems like the other thread isn't actually being looked at / it seems like this is the only thread that "counts" for feedback. 

To reiterate: I am a long-term premium subscriber who just attempted to use playlist radio, couldn't, and then eventually landed here. I've actively gone out of my way to research what happened to this feature and to log in here to say: please rollback this change.


Neither of the proposed alternatives meet my use case. I use playlist radio as a way to organically find new songs and artists based on a "seed" of a deliberately mixed playlist, and neither enhance nor smart shuffle fulfil this need for me. Being able to scroll and adjust a "radio" as opposed to a queue is more intuitive and the artists and options it gave me was how I found new music. 


Why is this being removed? Could it not be provided as an option alongside enhance and smart shuffle? They all offer different things!


I don't want to change my playlist - all of mine are carefully curated - so enhance is out. Shuffle - even smart shuffle - just gives me the same songs again and again. When I hit radio, I don't want to listen to primarily my playlist songs: I'm in an "explore" mode, looking for songs like that playlist, but critically, with fewer to none of the songs I'm already familiar with. 


Spotify already has a problem of continually playing the same few songs repeatedly (my Liked library is over 11,000 strong - Spotify has a bad habit of focusing on only a fraction of that). Radio was one of the few ways I could break out of that bias and actually give me new music, which is one of the main reasons I pay for premium.


Please bring playlist radio back.