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[All Platforms][Music] HiFi Quality - Lossless Streaming 16bit 44.1khz

I've just started a trial of Qobuz - they offer the standard 320kbps as well as lossless FLAC streaming (and high res downloads if you purchase them) the sound quality is noticeably better and on classical it's just wonderful to get all that resolution through your hi-fi or headphones! The catalogue has a way to go to get to Spotify's level, but they are getting there. The iPad app isn't' too bad (the desktop app is in need of an upgrade but I hear they are putting all their efforts into mobile apps right now).
So - lossless streaming - if Qobuz can do it then so can Spotify, they must have the same source - and obviously if you are asking £20 a month then those record labels and distributors take enough notice to make the high res tracks available for streaming. What this all means is soon, very soon, we will get lossless streaming and closely followed by high res downloads - but if Spotify aren't careful it will be Apple who get there first with an audiophile premium offering, and when they do it will be a much harder market place to make money in!

Updated on 2022-01-07

Hey folks,


We know that HiFi quality audio is important to you. We feel the same, and we’re excited to deliver a Spotify HiFi experience to Premium users in the future. But we don’t have timing details to share yet.


We will of course update you here when we can.


Take care.


Hey Spotify are you awake and actually reading this? I have a question. Are you idiots going to screw up your rollout of lossless quality as bad as Amazon Music, Apple Music and Deezer or are you actually going to get it right and provide in your app for exclusive mode/bit perfect output to an external DAC as well as allow for automatic sample rate switching like Qobuz and Tidal do or are you completely clueless as to what I am talking about and therefore WILL SCREW UP AS BAD AS AMAZON MUSIC, APPLE MUSIC AND DEEZER HAVE SO FAR WITH THIS?


Something Spotify needs to get right if it is going to include a hifi/high resolution audio tier/capability:  Spotify also needs to allow for automatic sample rate switching natively in it’s app.


Spotify has a real chance here to get it right on lossless music . Apple is better than Amazon but AirPlay is a stumbling block and Apple Music on their own Mac OS can’t even switch sampling rates . Airplay has also been confirmed to be lossy aac  for now . 

Time for Spotify to step up to the plate and hit a home run . 

Apple - double 

Amazon - bunt single 

Qobuz -Triple 



I’m using high quality headphones for about 3 years and I always clearly heard a tone limit on spotify. Till I tried Tidal that made the difference!


Only thing I really miss is the awesome playlists at Spotify. Which really want to make me come back, but not until the audio quality changes.


Maybe Tidal is not the best choice but atleast the tones sound a lot better there. 

  1. Spotify has the best lossy decoder ever, i think they are busy polishing lossless tech to same degree of exquisite rhythm and cleanness.
  2. Yes allowing resampling when the output sample rate is fixed by computer OS is a real issue i hope Spotify is busy solving.
  3. Manners, let's be civil in tone.
  4. I am waiting patiently, allowing DSEE Extreme to step in until real juicy bits do arrive.
  5. Be safe, all. Peace.

6. The issue with dynamic rate switching on computers is - it is unknown how long, how many milliseconds this switch takes from rate A to rate B on soundcard X with OS type Q version P.R.S.

And if not known, gapless playback cannot compensate for this extra time lost... injected into pipeline.

Anothier issue is some cards do make a click when switching, which is audible. I do not mind the latter, coming from old time vinyl era.


So where is Spotify ??? Incognito! 


Come-on gents, get off your butts and get lossless streaming running.

And while your at it, please include Atmos files. The sound I get from Atmos encoded

music BluRay's etc, has been incredible.

I love Spotify and would hate to see them left in the dust by Amazon and the others.

Thanks In Advance!



Don't worry about Atmos, most of those files are automatically bulk encoded without ever seeing a sound engineer.


I do wish Spotify would hurry up and make lossless happen. Why the wait?