
Help Wizard

Step 1


[All Platforms] Remember Position in Playlist / Album

Please remember the current song playing in a playlist so if I switch away to a different playlist and then switch back, Spotify will know where I left off.


I often can't finish a playlist right away or my mood changes so I might switch to a different playlist. Later, I want to finish the previous playlist, not start over again.



Updated on 2023-03-27

Hey everyone,


This idea accidentally ended up in the wrong board, so we're moving it back here. 


We're keeping the Not Right Now status as we don't have any immediate plans to implement this. As soon as we have any new information to share, rest assured we'll check back in here.


Take care.


If you're frustrated this idea was closed, PLEASE go like (and maybe comment on) the new thread thats been mentioned: Same idea, but the community mods are allowing it to exist (despite technically being a duplicate) and its reached "good suggestion" status.


According to the FAQ, if we can get it to 500 votes by Dec 13, 2022 (18 months after the idea was posted) it will be elevated to "Live Idea" and brought back to the attention of the Spotify team. Maybe they'll finally prioritize this once they realize the request isn't going away. 


I'd go further. Vote for it and then post the above link to your Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc. accounts and ask your friends to vote for it. 


We've been asking for this for over a decade! For some reason, Spotify doesn't want us to have this. Has to be profit-driven. Let's hope we can maybe get some traction this time. It's SO WEIRD we don't have this simple ability. Everything else does.

Yes indeed. I tried very hard and eventually stopped trying to drive this. The moderators need to jump in and use common sense. We are asking for a basic need that will make the product better as opposed to a feature like integration with another vendor etc.

Yes! This idea has been floating around for years and I have no idea why it hasn't been implemented yet. This would be such a terrific feature. 


Should apply to playlists AND albums.

I really can't understand why a feature that is standard on video streaming platforms is not considered essential for a music one.


This is such an obvious features. It's unbelievable that after many years of community request this is just being ignored. Just hope this "new" request get the attention of the staff.


Please add this feature.

Status changed to: New Suggestion

Updated on 2022-10-16

Hello and thanks for submitting your idea to the Idea Exchange!


We've gone ahead and marked this as a new suggestion. Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.




Hey, i'd love to see this implemented. Here is a similar idea from 2020 that was closed, perhaps the votes can be transferred by staff to this new thread! Goodluck 🙂