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[All Platforms][Social] Allow us to change our username (at least once)

Ok I hope to God that you guys don’t shoot down my idea this time, I already feel as if I have no voice  or say in anything that Spotify does. And speaking of having no voice or say, I’ve been a Spotify user for years now. And my username was always the same as my display name. However, the day I change my display name, my username was changed to a bunch of random  letters and numbers, and I have to type in my email instead. I learned quickly that Spotify doesn’t allow users to change their usernames for identification purposes, and I understand that. But I already had a username and they changed it to a bunch of random letters and numbers, so why can’t I change it? This frustrates me so much and if this suggestion gets shot down, like my last one 🙄😑😔, I’m canceling my subscription. Thank you. 😕 (also I chose community for platform bc I can’t figure out which platform label I should label this is).

Updated on 2025-03-03

Thank you for sharing your feedback with the Spotify Ideas Exchange.

Your suggestion has been marked as a Live Idea and will be reviewed by the Spotify staff once it receives enough votes. We appreciate your contribution and look forward to your continued support of this idea!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.


I think that most of us who created our Spotify accounts when Spotify became a thing would really like to be able to change our usernames without having to make a new account, as many of us probably have usernames that are old and outdated. I know I do. I would like to be able to change my username to something more fitting. Would you?


i got doxxed because of my username so even if i only get the option to get the random numbers instead, i'd take it! please spotify, i want to share playlists with people, but as it currently stands, i cant :c


Absolutely agreed. We need the ability to have custom profile URLs please. (Not just for artists!) We (users) are supporting you instead of the big competition eg Apple, Google. Please, come on Spotify!


EG instead of:


EG this would be so much better for my social media purposes:


you should be able to change your username.


Quisiera sugerir que Spotify permita cambiar el nombre de usuario, tal como lo hacen otras plataformas como Instagram, Twitter, Discord, etc.


I would like to suggest that Spotify allow users to change their username, just like other platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Discord, etc.


Esta idea se ha sugerido otra veces pero actualmente, el nombre de usuario es permanente porque es la forma en la que la app nos identifica, pero esto puede representar un problema de privacidad

This idea has been suggested before, but currently, usernames are permanent because they serve as the app’s way of identifying users. However, this can pose a privacy issue.


En mi caso, mi usuario coincide con mi dirección de correo electrónico, y cuando quiero compartir mi perfil, esta información queda expuesta. Creo que sería beneficioso para muchos usuarios que Spotify permita modificar el nombre de usuario sin afectar la identidad de la cuenta.


In my case, my username matches my email address, and when I want to share my profile, this information gets exposed. I believe it would be beneficial for many users if Spotify allowed username changes without affecting account identity.


Espero que puedan considerar esta sugerencia una vez más para mejorar la experiencia y seguridad de los usuarios.


I hope you can consider this suggestion once again to improve user experience and security.


Gracias por su atención 🙂


Thanks for your attention 🙂


It would be great to be able to change/edit our usernames in Spotify! I created my username when I was 11 and I would very much like to change it. I know you can add your name so that's what shows when someone views your profile, but if I share my profile you can see my username in the link. I also know that you can change your username on this site, but that doesn't transfer over to your actual Spotify username. 

Status changed to: Live Idea

Updated on 2025-03-03

Thank you for sharing your feedback with the Spotify Ideas Exchange.

Your suggestion has been marked as a Live Idea and will be reviewed by the Spotify staff once it receives enough votes. We appreciate your contribution and look forward to your continued support of this idea!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.