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[Desktop][Other] Update the Spotify app icon for macOS Big Sur

As a lot of new macOS Big Sur users noticed, the general system UI changed, and an important aspect is the various app icons. All the Apple apps icons have been updated to match the new rounded square type icons that seems to be the new trend, and several third-party apps already did it.


The amazing Spotify Community already shared multiple ideas of really stunning logos that look pretty sick :

- u/CyDave

- Anmol Govinda Rao


It would be great if Spotify updated its logo to match the general macOS Big Sur design



Updated on 2021-06-15

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


It's already November 2023 and Spotify still hasn't updated their logo... I'm getting a little frustrated 😅


It's so funny that Spotify team cannot change an icon in three years. The only app in my dock without a rectangle icon. Won't renew subscription.


It's such an easy change to do, at this point the Spotify is just not interested in its users' feedback. As usual.


"Updated 2021"

This is crazy. What's the matter? Do you need to rewrite the entire backend infrastructure to push out a new app icon? Did you not hire enough ex-Google ex-Meta Apple Intern software developers? Is there a deprecated library you are using that you need to phase out first before you can write a new module from scratch to handle such a complex operation as to replace an app icon? Did your Figma subscription expire, and now there is a bug in billing preventing your designers from using Figma until they reply to a ticket? Is your email server broken? Are you unable to get a reply from Figma's billing team because of that? Is the company you need to outsource this difficult work to currently stacked on work or short on staff? Is it COVID lockdown? Do you have to social distance from the drawing tablet? Is DNS broken? Do you not have a strategy how to offset the carbon of such a large infrastructure change? Is the manager currently in coma? Is this "coming soon" like the Hi-Resolution Audio Vaporware?

Or did you lay off all the people responsible for the icon? 


4 years ... 



HAHA lol wth guys


I think there is only one solution: use Apple Music. It's also better for the artists.


@PATSRMS Ah yes, Apple Music, by a totally very ethical company that didn't abuse a monopoly position in the App Store due to a competing interest. Very good business practices, and very great music suggestions algorithm. /s 


How come this is now marked as a Live Idea..?
Last time I checked, the icon was still round.. Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-06 um 11.43.09.png