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[Desktop][Podcasts] Mark as Played

The feature to Mark as Played that's available in Mobile should absolutely be available in the desktop app also. Why is there a feature disparity between platforms? 

Updated on 2021-06-13

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


Let’s go!! We need that!!

I talked to them via Twitter and they seem to have no plans to add this
feature. So I tweeted at the CEO of Spotify and told him other than the
exclusive Spotify podcast I listen to I will not be using his app. My next
step is to support that podcast via Patreon. Like I said I'm not down with
this if the cool kids decide what features go into the app. If they want me
to pay money for something, it had better have features that free podcasts
players have and more. Thanks for your support


It's a shame that this simple feature is missing in the Desktop app.


You might think that a feature as basic as this would be part of the initial launch of podcasts in Spotify or at least be added ASAP. Yet this has been neglected since 2019. Wow, awful! We cannot see on the desktop app which podcasts we have played and which not. I get the impression Spotify is not serious about podcasts. You gotta get a few basic interface features right. This is one of them.


Lets make this happen. We've been wanting this for a while it seems like a simple enough feature to impliment


Yeah, but they don't seem to be able to even get the simple things right. Why does a team of many programmers write a worse podcast player than individual creators or small teams creating free podcast players?

This is the one thing I'm really missing to be able to fully use Spotify for my podcast needs. I'd love to be able to mark as played those podcasts I've listened to elsewhere to be able to keep track of where I'm at. Please consider this!


It is now 2021.


The world has weathered The Orange Muppet as the POTUS.


We are surviving in the face of Corona.


Yet Spotify still has no way to mark podcasts as played on desktop.


Once again Spotify never fail to show just how truly useless and awful they are at listening to their users. I really thought they were all in on podcasts as well so why such basic features aren't implemented is astounding. Switching to Apple Podcasts as soon as I hit 'POST YOUR COMMENT'...


Is there any update on this being implemented any time soon? It has been quite a while since this idea has been suggested...