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Filter by language

it would be extremely useful to be able to filter liked songs by language, at least for the most spoken languages out there. I personally listen to English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Italian, and many others. It would be great to filter liked songs by language so I can, for example, quickly pick through my favorite Spanish songs for a playlist. 


this would also be great for when learning/improving at a language: eg: 'i'm learning french at the moment', so I quickly put on the french filter, and listen only to songs i've liked that have french in them


Not even that. I'd like to be able to select the languages of songs that i'd like to discover or even be present in all the spotify generated lists. This way you'll get songs that u might like instead of pressing skip for like 30 times


I definitely agree. would be very usefull



Dear Spotify Team,


I am reaching out to you to request the implementation of a more flexible filtering system for music and other content. The issue at hand is that the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia has been ongoing for three years now, making people very sensitive to unwanted interactions with Russian content. Unfortunately, due to the algorithmic structure of track selection, Ukrainians may encounter Russian-language tracks or songs by Russian artists in their feed, which can be a very traumatic experience for many listeners. Similar can be observed in other regions of the world where conflicts are occurring.


I am writing to propose expanding the functionality of the Spotify platform by adding more content filtering options. Currently, you offer the ability to filter songs based on age restrictions, but it would be extremely convenient to have new filtering options — such as by the language of the song or the country of the artist.


Most distributors collect information of the language of the release and the country of the artist, meaning this information should be accessible to your team, allowing for an effortless expansion of the platform's functionality.


It would be very nice to have such a feature, because Russian artists, for example, in the weekly selections incredibly outrage Ukrainians


in my opinion it would be cool to have a function to filter songs by language and country of the author. I would definitely use this feature and recommend it to my friends


this is an absolutely necessary feature, it has to be implemented by spotify!


Very good idea indeed.


Extremly good idea, I want to refuse from Russian music, this filter will help me in my intentions!


This is really very necessary. I'm from Ukraine, and my weekly playlist consists of 80-90% Russian songs, even though I don't listen to Russian or Russian-language songs at all! This infuriates me! I observed that the more Ukrainian music I listen to, the more Russian songs appear in the weekly selection. it is very unfortunate that Spotify equates Ukrainian and Russian. I adore Ukrainian music, but unfortunately only 1-2 Ukrainian tracks appear in the selection of the week. All other tracks are Russian**bleep**, which I will not listen to. Sort recommendations by language or country. Thank you.