
Help Wizard

Step 1


Fix the algorithm choosing too many short songs

It would be pretty nice if The Algorithm would reflect listening history and taste profile  in terms of song length!


It would be pretty cool if mainly listening to tracks between 4 to 10 minutes doesn't result in Discover Weeklies, Release Radars and Daily Mixes 80% tracks shorter than 4 minutes and 30% even below the 2 minute mark!


Personally it would be really sweet to see Discover Weeklies and Release Radars again with and average length of 3+ hours in stead of 2- hours.

Updated on 2023-10-27

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I've complained about this numerous times in many different places, and it keeps being a more and more annoying problem. I just finished listening to an album that has a 11, 16 and 22 minute song. Auto-play decides that based on that album, I want to listen to 10 songs that don't even surpass 1m30s. It just spams me with interludes and in/outros. Lately daily mixes seem to sometimes be like they used to be, but its still a 50/50 on if its going to pass the 2.5h mark with 50 songs. My top 5 songs in wrapped this year were all songs that auto-play spammed after every album I played and no songs that I consciously put on (I didn't even know 2 of them).


This issue has been getting worse.  2 minute songs are offensive to my listening experience and make me want to break something.


Second this. Horrible issue that has made the radio and discovery playlists useless. This must be rectified


This issue has been plaguing every single song/artist/album radio, every single song/album/playlist autoplay, every single variety of mix for literal YEARS of me using Spotify, or at the very least since sometime in 2021. Any kind of recommendation or mix feature is completely and utterly useless because of this when I remember loving the Spotify recommendation system when I first began using it. The only possible way to listen to music I enjoy is to put it on myself and immediately end the autoplay when it starts because without fail it will shuffle a song 1 minute in length. I don't think Ive found new enjoyable music on spotify since this began happening. If it is not fixed I will not continue using Spotify because half of the entire service being performed is completely useless.This is what every radio looks likeThis is what every radio looks like


I've been a premium member for many years and have been very happy until recently. I mainly use Radio stations to discover new songs and suddenly that has changed drastically. 95% of the recommended songs are super short, like 1 to 1½ minutes long. I have nothing against short songs, but I really don't want to listen to 30-40 songs per hour, it's VERY odd. It's happening to me on every spotify app I use: iOS, Android and Windows


I spoke to Spotify support and we were able to replicate the issue with the "test" userID. They said they are logging the issue with the dev team and "hopefully' it will be fixed soon. We were able to replicate the issue on the test user ID. I'm hoping if more people raise this issue, the sooner it will actually be prioritized and fixed? 



Radio stations - 95% of recommended songs are under 2 minutes long (

Playlist recommendations - 95% of recommended songs are under 2 minutes long

Discover weekly - working as expected, song lengths vary

Daily Mix - working as expected, song lengths vary



Oh.. i'm not alone with this problem:( i hate listen spotify since i started to have this problem more than year ago.... and now it going more worse and worse... just dont wanna use spotify.... ok some artists which i listen have short tracks but usually i listen normal tracks, and sometimes in radio next can be 15 tracks in a row 1-2 minute, and usually its unknown artists who have albums with only 1-2 minute tracks, after can be normal tracks.. and after agai and again and again... 1 2 min tracks... 

also you can add option ""Don't reccomend tracks low than 3 min" 😕


Today I listened new ep of Derek Carr its normal music and after in radio was 32!!! THIRTY TWO!!!!! tracks in a row low than 2:30-2:00 min... mostly 1 min...  

Impossible to use:(


Same. The Daily Mixes are nothing but 1 minute muzac f@rts now


will this ever be fixed? this is a proper problem here @Spotify - listen up!!!!!!


Please fix this, vast majority of the suggested songs are 2 minutes or less .. Spotify is becoming useless