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[Mobile] [Other] Smart Shuffle toggle setting in settings menu

Smart shuffle is a fun way to discover new songs, but it comes at a cost. Want to reshuffle your queue? Bam, wait a few seconds longer. Want to unshuffle your playlist? Bam, no longer works, and goes to a completely random place in the playlist.


To me this is an unwanted complication, and I'd much rather be able to choose in the settings menu whether I want to enable the Smart Shuffle feature, or disable it.

Updated on 2023-05-01

Hey! It looks like your suggestion is growing up fast and it's amazing! We are going to change its status to 'Good Suggestion' now and we hope it continues being supported by more and more users.
Thanks again for your suggestion. We really appreciate it 🙂

More information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found here.


I explained why the Smart Shuffle is an issue for how many people use Spotify on the ‘Introducing Smart Shuffle’ thread, and I will echo what I said here to help explain why we need this toggle added in settings:


The issue is not Smart Shuffle itself, but how Smart Shuffle is implemented. It completely ruins the user experience of being able to quickly re-shuffle because it is part of the regular shuffle button as well, so it takes longer to just turn off and on regular shuffle. This is a pain if you want to generate different sets of shuffled queues really quickly to add some songs from those shuffled queues to your curated queue multiple times. So, not only did they apparently make people mad with getting rid of enhanced, they messed up a whole other set of users’ experience of how they use Spotify with the regular shuffle button.


I like to discover new music too, but this completely ruins the main way I use Spotify and it’s that users have no way around it just to use regular shuffle. Smart shuffle should have just been made as separate button and why this was not done to begin with other than because of cheap tactics I don’t know (maybe they were mad that not enough people used the enhance button or something so they figured out a way to force this type of feature on users). I would be completely happy if they added a toggle to disable the Smart Shuffle totally in settings or if they just removed Smart Shuffle as a feature altogether.


This isn't exactly a new suggestion but PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, SACRILEGIOUS AND UNCARING add this feature! 


There should be a button to completely switch off the smart shuffle. Not every time you want to listen to it.


My playlist is dowloaded so I can listen to it offline but with the smart shuffle feature you have to have service to switch it off which completely makes the download function unusable and pointless.. 


Yeah, add this feature! 


you are not alone considering to switch off until this „feature“ is gone. I already used Spotify significantly less (or on PC)


I hate this smart shuffle. I often listen to Spotify on airplane and whenever this “smart” shuffle stupidly activated, spotify wont allow me to play anything on that playlist. Hate, hate, hate this function


Seconded!!! (After the 50 other people who liked this topic...) 

Smart shuffle is an interesting idea but having it come on with every second press of the shuffle button is driving me insane. 


Smart shuffle completely RUINED my Spotify experience. Either make it so we can permanently disable it in the settings or get rid of it all together. I shouldn't have to wait 10-15 seconds for smart shuffle to turn on and then also turn off. What is the point in me making MY OWN PLAYLISTS if you're just going to insert music where I don't want it. As someone else pointed out, we also can't listen to downloaded playlists if smart shuffle is on and because the image difference is so minimal, you're stuck believing you're paying for a BROKEN app. 


I really hate smart shuffle, i want enhanche back.


Just make it a kebab menu style, not a cycling button. The feature is a good feature, I think the team did a great job with the feature, just implement it slightly differently and it will be fantastic