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[Mobile] Remove current Song from Playlist



This is a usability improvement for the Mobile devices. Sometimes I want to remove songs from a playlist. This is currently quite a long task to perform on the mobile device.


  1. I first have to select the right playlist.
  2. Then I have to locate the song, which is not listed alphabetically. They are listed in the order I built the playlist with the oldest first and newest last.Some of my playlists have up to 900 songs in them and scrolling slowly can be difficult and timeconsuming.
  3. Then click on the "pencil" icon and  delete the track I don't want.

I think it would be a better user experience if we could delete songs as easy as it is to add them to a playlist. 


So here's a suggestion for the mobile app, look there's even a space for it on the info page! Smiley LOL


Spotify Delete Track Idea






UPDATE 3 June 2017

I have been contacted by user eviljojo22 who has developed a Plugin that creates a playlist named "Remove from Spotify" and every 45 minutes minutes it deletes every song in it and also in every playlist in which that same song appears (which may not be what you want). However, this is an option that may help you before Spotify gets round to providing this very simple function. Good luck (and Thank you EvilJojo22)

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UPDATE 7 February 2019

I have been contacted by user bamboony who has developed an android app that might solve the problem in the short term:



UPDATE 15 February 2022

They delivered! This feature now exists. Click the three dots while playing a track and select the option "Remove from this Playlist"


Updated on 2022-07-19

Hey folks, 


If you'd like to remove the song that's currently playing on Android devices, you can quickly get to it by tapping the title of the playlist (located in the top center of the screen). This will open the playlist and the current song will be highlighted in green. From there, you can tap the three-dot menu and select "Remove from this playlist". 

Capture1.PNG           Capture2.PNG 


We'll keep this idea open and if there are any updates about adding a remove song button to the menu on the 'Now Playing View' or if we have some news regarding this option on iOS devices, we'll post them here. Remember that you can still add your votes here if this is something you'd like to see in the future.



Not sure what app you have been using, but in the Spotify app the check
mark (now a heart) in "Now Playing" NEVER removed the currently playing
song from the currently playing playlist. It simply removed it from your
"all songs" list. The song remains the same playlist that is playing
regardless of whether it's checked or not.

What is the reason for not building the ability to remove a track from a playlist in album view? It is the most intuitive option have within a playlist. By converse I could as why is there delete-from-playlist option available on the track view instead of the album view. It's the same playlist, the same data set, just a different json block/view. Please add this feature. Almost every other music app has the ability to delete a track that is currently playing from the current playlist in the 'art' view.

I had no idea the community of fellow music aficionados who simply desire
to take control of their own air waves. Here I thought I was the only one
who added music to give it a chance, and when that track failed, I wanted
to delete it. But now spotify is training me (us) not to give the little
track a chance. No, we will only approve the music we know to be good
because of how difficult it is to try new songs. Nobody wants a crappy
song. Spotify, why is this such a obvious ignoring of customer request? I
get so many emails from random usernames that they too want this, that I
feel the need to share with them some love. I feel like I know nysteve,
pop4lyf, tranznation2013, and bliz4realNotRealusername, like they are real
people. Why? Because some how this community forum has me subscribed to a
feature that you seem content to not honor. Just give us the ability to: 1.
make a playlist (or take that feature away why don't you) 2. add songs to
playlist 3. remove songs from playlist. a simple 1 to 3, don't you see.
Okay. I'll admit I've had some tequilla. But I'm tired of this stupid
thread. Why? Because we the customers are not being heard. Who's still
reading this? Okay. Thank you and god bless america. I look forward to
hearing from usernameNEXT about this feature.

I'm just tying out premium. You still can't delete the track unless searching the huge playlist!!!!

I'll switch back to FREE. At least there you can mark the song not to play anymore and have it grayed-out in the playlist.


Maybe we all need to stop premium until they add such an obvious function 😉


Spotify, please fix this. It makes no sense that this feature doesn't exist! Also It's dangerous to have to scroll through tons of tracks while driving when this could easily be added.


As a UX dev this is just awful design - correction - it’s lazy design.


The fact that something this simple to address hasn’t been despite years of numerous requests is the primary reason I’m switching to Apple Music - strictly out of principal. They won’t listen either but I expected better form Spotify...

I've literally been waiting for it for nine years now.
This is not helpful for mobile users and it’s still very inconvenient. Need to have onscreen option while song is playing.


In the Status Update in this idea above SPOTIFY says "However the ability to remove it (A song) from a specific playlist isn't something we plan on building at the moment." There are over 1000 votes supporting this idea. I find the inabilioty to remove a song from a playlist in use the single most frustrating thing about Spotiofy, which otherwise is great. What is the reason, please, for SPOTIFY not wanting to do this at the moment? 




just to add to my previous post... i am mostly concerned with desktop Spotify, but this should be an option for all platforms.