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[Music] Import & Export Music

I love my playlists. I've added to my starred playlist for about two years now, and I always wonder what I'd do if my playlists were somehow wiped. So how about something that would rest my mind, the ability to back up your playlists to say, a text file containing all your songs, and then you can import your playlist if it somehow goes missing! This would be an ace feature as I see some people are having issues with duplicate accounts and their playlists being wiped.


This would also making sharing playlists between friends even easier!


TL;DR: Let us export our playlists to a text file, and then import our playlists whenever we like.

Updated on 2023-03-30

Hey everyone,


Thanks for coming to the Spotify Idea Exchange.


We've discussed this idea and while it is interesting, we aren't able to prioritize it and don't have any immediate plans to implement this. We will let you know if this changes in the future.


If we do have any new information to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.


More info on why your idea has been closed can be found here.


There are lots of tools which do it for you on the internet. Google it!

Would love to have this feature myself, as it's impossible for me to export it when using Linux. Dragging to Google Docs or anything doesn't work, so I have no way to save the playlists manually myself.


Actually, there's not. Or it's really hard to find.

I'd also like to save my playlists, or more accurately the song data into an xml or wxcel or something.
Not just in case of my playlists disappearing but also if someone nukes spotify hq or cthulhu eats their servers 😉 




I developed, a new app last week to export some playlists on flat file (CSV); then you can read it by Excel for example.

You'll find more details here: export to text

So, it's in french but you just have to download the zip file, unzip it to your <My documents>/Spotify, run Spotify and execute this command: spotify:app:exportcsv


That's it.


For a time my regular account was blocked, which brought to light a problem I hadn't realized was there. Hours/months/a-lot-of-work creating/editing my playlists were "gone".

Had I had the opportunity of exporting my playlists prior to this I would have done this, but as this wasn't an option anywhere in menus - I didn't.

Luckily my account unblocked. Since then I have searched for a way to solute this issue - I yet haven't found one. Should there be something out there on Google - Show us, don't be shy, tell.


I wrote a small Ruby script that can export a playlist as a plain text file with track numbers. You can find it here:


Yes, there's many ways to exxport playlists, but with no Spotify integration you can't import them, can you?


Also, Spotify should make it easy for users, making it a option in the client.


Subject says it all.  I've put some work into playlists in Winamp and I want to get them into Spotify.




@geted wrote:



I developed, a new app last week to export some playlists on flat file (CSV); then you can read it by Excel for example.

You'll find more details here: export to text

So, it's in french but you just have to download the zip file, unzip it to your <My documents>/Spotify, run Spotify and execute this command: spotify:app:exportcsv


That's it.

Did anyone try this?


I want a way to export all my playlists to a set of text files (one per playlist) with one push of a button (rather than having to go through an export procedure for each one). Just so I have a record that's easy to keep updated of what songs are in what playlists if spotify ever blows up, goes out of business, triples their rates, etc, and I want to take my business elsewhere. I have about 50-75 playlists that I've put a lot of work into, so I really don't want to ever have to restart my playlist "development" from scratch.


....and make it snappy!