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[Music] Personal Rating of Music

It would be awesome if it was possible to give a personal rating to your songs and albums (and artists), and then sort them after it in your playlists.


Hope to see it in the future, it shouldn't even be that hard. 


Thank you!

Updated on 2018-10-02

Hey folks,


Thanks for coming to the Community, and adding your vote to this idea!


We're marking this idea as 'Not Right Now' again for the time being, as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts.


If we have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.




Yes, yes, yes, pretty please!!!  Being able to create smart playlists based on those ratings would be nice too...


It would be very useful that the rating (or at least a special status) could be easily set thourgh the mobile app and recovered in the desktop/web app.

The scenario I am thinking about is :

  1. at home I downloade a playlist on my mobile device
  2. I listen to the playlist on the go and I discover a great song
  3. I mark that song the most easily possible (I can be driving)
  4. when back at home I recover the marked song, identify the artist, get more songs from the artist, etc...

My biggest regret leaving iTunes behind is abandoning years of rating history. Would be awesome to transfer some of that to Spotify.  Or at least have ability to do so going forward.  C'mon Spotify, hook me on your service 4 life!


Yes, it'd be great to be able to rate and review albums and songs.  The reviews could be shared via facebook kinda similar to how goodreads works with books.  Then you could see what albums your friends rate well and review well.


It would be really great if:

- We would be able to rate the songs we listen, encounter, see etc.

- And recommendation engine would suggest new songs to us according to the ratings we gave


Then Spotify will really really rock! That shouldn't be that hard to add (at least the rating part at first)


I am really suffering since Spotify is lacking of that 5 star rating system.

Very unfortunately i think i will have to quit using spotify just because of this!


It is really silly not having a rating system! I really dont understand why they didnt implement it..


- Rating:
Imagine you listen to a playlist and there are songs you like more (and would like to hear them more often) then others. Would it be great to have a quick way to give the actual song a rating so it gets played more often? Sure, I have the star, but its only a playlist, no rating.

Thank you for your great work, keep on


Guys seriously i never do forums but i hunted this thread down going way out of my way because i've been going crazy as to why Spotify doesnt have a rating system yet! It's the most integral part of owning a music collection. Everyone has fave songs, everyone has songs they think are 'ok'. However spotify still thinks we all love evey song equally. 

Please please add a personal 5 star rating system my collection is a mess in neeed of ordering. 


I have to agree that some sort of decent personal rating system would be great, especially now that you have removed the starred feature.


In this era of a subscription-based music service where you 'own' an almost infinite number of albums, having the ability to quickly access the content you actually like (withoiut having to create loads of manual playlists, which is a huge amount of work) is critical.


definitely kudo. And please add sorting ability for rating on a scale from 1 to 5 or at least allow us to sort the playlist using Starred