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[Music] Warning when a Track is removed from Spotify

I use Spotify to store the music i like - saving them on Playlists. Spotify adds music continuosly but also deletes other, by licence problems or whatever. But you Spotify must warn me in that circumstances, so I can get that music from another source. It s not acceptable that you quit music from your servers and from my playlist without any kind of warning. It s a disrepect to the user of your service. Please solve this problem as soon as it s possible.

Updated on 2019-01-11

Hey folks,


Thanks for coming to the Community, and adding your vote to this idea!


We're keeping this idea to 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts.


As before, you can show unavailable track by going to Settings -> Display Options -> Show unavailable tracks in playlists. This setting also works for saved songs.


If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.




Yeah, I don't know whether the songs are gone for good or what...sometimes you can find another copy on Spotify to replace a track with, but there really are tons of greyed-out ones. Weird. I appreciate seeing them, though...I've got thousands and thousands of songs saved and if the "unavailable" tracks simply disappeared, that would REALLY bite.


There is no display options in settings.




+1 for this. +1,000 if that was possible. 

The number of times I've had this happen, been horribly confused, angry, and forced to dig through Spotify docs to find a reference to the "Show Unavailable Tracks" setting is really frustrating. The fact that songs fail silently is just plain bad UX, and it makes me wonder what other music I have that's now unavailable. 

Of course, however, even with the setting active, it's really difficult to sift through everything and find all the tracks that are disabled by scrolling alone, let alone search Spotify for alternatives from other albums one-by-one. We need, at least a specific section of the app, shown in the menu bar when the setting is active, that lists all of our unavailable tracks in one place.

Ideally, we need a message to update us when things go down. I understand label conflicts, and in most cases, I'm willing to let the loss of tracks slide - but there are other tracks I'm willing to spend a few extra dollars to get a local version of if Spotify can't keep them. But only becoming aware of the issue when, after wondering why it hasnt played in some time, or after searching specifically for the track and finding it gone, is a letdown. 

Even a little numbered "badge" icon over the "Unavailable Tracks" playlist I described above would go miles toward making sure users are aware that some of their music is gone. Transparency is a golden virtue....


Thats a good tool, if everybody spend their entire days checking around missing tracks on their playlists, may be sending a mail would be better for that, explaining which song will, or already is unavailable, so people can know it, something like the checkbox right below this comment box that says "Email me when someone replies", it would say "Email me when a song of any of my playlists becomes unavailable" this can be done just for premium users at least.


Also love the idea. I did not realize the missing song before willing to listen to it (a sad surprise).

Status changed to: Not Right Now

Updated on 2019-01-11

Hey folks,


Thanks for coming to the Community, and adding your vote to this idea!


We're keeping this idea to 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts.


As before, you can show unavailable track by going to Settings -> Display Options -> Show unavailable tracks in playlists. This setting also works for saved songs.


If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.




This would be amazing too!

Many songs are added everyday and others are removed and keeping track if we have them saved would be welcome.


I totally agree. I have a playlist for a road race I'm running in tomorrow. I spent a long time choosing songs so that the total playtime is exactly the time I want to finish the race in. And then just two days before the race, BOOM, Spotify removes one of the songs without any notice. Fortunately I saw that the song was missing in time to replace it, but needless to say I was very annoyed and would have been doubly so if I hadn't noticed until after the race started.


I don't think the answer was what we meant, I often am surprised when songs I listen to regularly get removed for x reason but I only find out when I scroll past and notice it grey, I don't get any notification and on top of that not all songs are replaced when removed. There should be some more indication and replacement 


I agree, its common that small artist dont renovate their publishment contract so the songs are removed.