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[Podcasts] Subtitles for Podcasts

Thanks for the "karaoke" feature that allows us to follow the lyrics of the songs. It's great for anyone learning a new language or who needs to find a specific part of a song's lyrics, and especially for deaf people who, different from what is generally expected, also like to enjoy music on Spotify and this feature makes the experience more accessible.

However, a similar feature has not yet been implemented in podcasts, which is a shame as there are many creators producing extremely relevant content on the platform, but, for lack of an accessibility feature, this content doesn’t reach as many people as possible and many creators choose to make their content available on platforms that respect the diversity of their audience.

By making some updates to the karaoke feature that already exists on the platform we can have a Spotify more accessible to everyone. The ideal is a tool that generates an automatic description of the spoken content, as present in other online platforms, but also allows edits to be made by the content creator itself.

And then it should be automatically synchronized with the audio and available in the desktop and mobile version as well.

This update will bring more people to Spotify, as many people consume podcast media looking to learn a new language and would like to be able to check words they don't understand well, in addition, browsing the synchronized caption of the content allows you to find which part of a particular episode has the information that the person is looking for.

Most importantly, it will highlight the issue of accessibility for people with disabilities and initiate a dialogue with the disabled people community, because deficiencies are part of human diversity and must be respected.

Updated on 2021-06-15

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


+1 Great idea 🙂 


Also in other languages then English?


Yes! It should be available in all languages, otherwise it's not really accessible. (By the way: I believe most of the votes so far are from brazilians, so we need portuguese subtitles for example) 


Amazing idea.

To be quite honest, I don't enjoy podcasts on Spotify (which I use every single day for music) for this exact reason. It's difficult for me to understand what is said on podcasts, my hearing is not that good. So the only podcast I actively follow (and have followed for about 8 years) is one that always, always shares transcripts for everybody for free. So I can listen to the podcast and read the transcript at the same time, that's the only way I can enjoy it/podcasts. 


Totally support this great idea


FFS no automatic subtitles in spotify ? smh


Hey any Conan O' Brien fan here?


This is an amazing idea keeping in mind the requirements of deaf people, Spotify is a place for everyone and this would help them to understand things in a better way.


A lot of podcast already post transcripts of their episodes. If this was implemented I would hope that the creators could easily upload their own transcripts and then use the time syncing features with that.


This thread is going on for too long. Why do you need votes for something like this? How about asking users to vote on making 100 million dollar payments to Podcasters? 


I can't follow Podcasts because there is no captioning / subtitles, why does Spotify care more about Rogan than it does about Accessibility?  I am going to give up on Spotify very soon.