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[Web Player] Bring back the old Web Player

The minimalism of the web player makes it near unusable (self.spotify)

submitted 2 minutes ago by MovkeyB

Here is a list of basic stuff that got removed:

  • See the radio
  • See the queue
  • See the song length
  • see how far in the song you are

Here is stuff that got destroyed in terms of functionality.

  • adding a song to a playlist is now a lot more difficult and requires moving a lot more bc it opens up a HUGE window instead of the little menu

  • The volume slider is not live, its drag and drop so you can't hear the effect of the volume change in real time

Everything is HUGE and they just seem to love all the dead space and tell me pretty much nothing about whats going on.

It's atrocious. I've used it for about 10 minutes and I already despise it with a burning passion. These things I mentioned are just the ones that are just immediately obvious because I USE THEM FREQUENTLY

Updated on 2019-06-25

Hey folks, 


We're just going through a few older ideas that we haven't updated. 


Most of the functionality listed in the original post exists on the Web Player. The queue can be found in the bottom right corner near the Volume bar and you can find Radio by clicking the three dots next to any song, album or playlist. 


If you have any new ideas you'd like to see on the webplayer, feel to submit them here.




I agree, this new version sucks. Please bring back the old one and throw this one in the fire. Cause this idea frankly should have burned a long time ago. And if it doesnt burn you wont see me using spotify, or reccomending it to anyone.


I am totally agree with all comments. New page design useless for me too. My playlists, albums are disappeared too. I couldn't find information about bands and related another bands; when I listen a song, I couldn't find and listen alternative or resemble songs at that time. Old times and old version was wonderful, I was enjoying to listen at spotify, but now I never want open it. There is no meaning for me to stay premium account. Please hear us!!


"The minimalism of the web player makes it near unusable"!!!!!!



"- Keyboard spacebar used to be the play/pause button only. Now it activates the last button clicked. So if your boss walks in and you want to quickly pause the player, you better hope your last click was play/pause

- Searching out the best songs from an artist is more difficult because instead of viewing an entire list of songs you have to click through each of their albums.

- The albums and other icons are way too big, and the player functions are tiny and stuffed at the bottom of the page. If I didn't know any better, they were put next to the ad banner hoping you miss the player functions and click on the banner on accident.

- Using Google Chrome, jumping between browser tabs makes the player skip.

- The shuffle function doesn't stay active if you select a particular song within an already playing playlist.

- Can no longer see the play queue.

- Search function hides the previous page instead of showing up in layers like the old app.

- Can't pause ads


Bring back the old web player!" 


they ain't listenin' and never will. this community site likely isn't even
looked at by those in control. sad how horrible the new web player is. the
old one was great for my radio show. the new one isn't worth poopy.
too much work. too much aggra. too much they don't give a dog end.

Stop using web sockets! No corporate proxy will allow you to play music via web sockets. Find another way! 


THIS. I went back to the reddit thread and someone commented that this is part of a movement to revamp and "simplify" the app, desktop application, and everything else. If that happens, I'm going to have to cancel my Premium subscription and start looking at other streaming services. So far I haven't seen anything I like as much as Spotify in terms of features and usability, but that appears to be changing.


I also can't access my podcast now on the web player. I had no qualms with the old version. What on earth compelled you all to take away features from paid subscribers???

basically my friend, because they really don't give a rat's hind quarter
about us. all these places need to keep the employees doing something so
they screw around with something that works thinking they are making it
better. it is busy work. remember one thing through life:

common sense, isn't.

and don't forget the ipo greed looming in the background 😈
basically my friend, because they really don't give a rat's hind quarter
about us. all these places need to keep the employees doing something so
they screw around with something that works thinking they are making it
better. it is busy work. remember one thing through life:

common sense, isn't.

and don't forget the ipo greed looming in the background 😈