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Audiobooks Discography only shows the latest release on Android

Hey folks,


We received some reports from Android users that when clicking on the Discography section of an Audiobook, only see the latest audiobook release appears. However, in the artist profile, all of the Audiobooks can be seen.


This is being investigated.

Hey folks,


Thanks for your patience while we looked into this issue.


We’re happy to say that this should now be fixed for everyone! Just make sure your app is updated to the latest version.


If you're still having trouble, make sure to post a new thread in the relevant help board here.









Two different smartphones

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My Question or Issue

My daughter loves to listen to "Was ist was" to fall asleep. However, when I click on discography, only the latest album is shown. Same on two smartphones. Here is the artist link:


Hi there @Joanna20,


Welcome to the Spotify Community!


I checked on my end and was able to view the artist's full discography, and it should be available to all users in Germany as well. Are you folks using VPN? If so, try disabling it to see if that does the trick.


As much as we'd love to have all the music in the world on Spotify, the content may vary over time and between countries. This depends on permissions from rights holders.


For more information on the matter, it's worth reaching out to the artist or their label on social media or their website.


In the meantime, you can import local files to your Spotify library.


Cheers 🤘


Unfortunately we didn't change anything and are not using a VPN, just a week ago it didn't show up anymore. I can work around it with "liking" the albums on desktop and then seeing them in my collection. But in the discography on mobile it just shows the last album... I guess I'll use the workaround for now and check back periodically.


Germany, Premium Account user

Hi all,

I have the same problem - but only with radio plays!
Radio plays are inherently difficult to search/filter (expl. no sort by date) in Spotify. But now it doesn't work at all unless you actively search for a specific title.
Will that change again?

Status changed to: Under investigation

Hey folks,


Thanks for reporting this issue to us.


We’ve passed your info on to the relevant team, who are currently looking into it.


If you’re experiencing this issue, make sure to click +VOTE and Subscribe to the thread to be notified of any developments.


Thanks! We’ll keep you posted and let you know as soon as we have any updates on this.


Hallo, ich habe das gleiche Problem. In fast allen Hörspielreihen wird die Diskografie nicht mehr angezeigt. Maximal die neueste Erscheinung sofern diese nicht zu weit zurück liegt. Es wäre sehr wünschenswert, wenn diese Fehler zeitnah behoben wird. Seit mehreren Tagen ist es mir so kaum möglich die App und den Dienst anständig zu nutzen. 

Status changed to: Fixed

Hey folks,


Thanks for your patience while we looked into this issue.


We’re happy to say that this should now be fixed for everyone! Just make sure your app is updated to the latest version.


If you're still having trouble, make sure to post a new thread in the relevant help board here.

