
Help Wizard

Step 1


Can't Play Downloaded Songs When Offline

We're getting reports that downloaded songs are not playing when the app is not connected to the internet. The offline songs are grayed out but shows that they are downloaded. When connected back to the internet, same songs can be played without issues and still appear downloaded.



Thanks for your patience while we looked into this.


We wanted to announce that this issue has been fixed from our end. However, keep in mind you might experience some inconveniences with your offline content that are caused by other things such as:


  • The use of cache clearing apps/settings - these could interfere with the app's normal functions.
  • Storage issues - your device needs to have at least 1GB of free storage in order for Spotify to function correctly.
  • SD card issues - if you're using one, make sure to check out this FAQ.
  • Outdated app - not running the latest app version available can also cause performance issues. Check how to update the app in this Support article.
  • Having more than 5 devices with downloaded music - you can remove older devices by following the steps you'll find in this Support article
  • Not going online at least once in 30 days - your downloads might be removed because of this.
  • The content being removed from Spotify - the downloads will also be removed.


If you're still having trouble after checking all of the above, make sure to start a new thread in the relevant Help Board.


Is there any updates about this!? I had this issue for weeks, and Spotify will not fix this.. They keep saying that we have to wait, but I don't think they will find a solution to this problem!!!


Still waiting for a fix ... Thinking about cancelling spotify as if I cannot listen to it on my runs without internet it is mostly useless. 

When I download a playlist and turn on offline mode, I'm able to play the songs in the playlist just fine, but once I close the app and open it (with offline mode still on), all the songs in the downloaded playlist are greyed out and I can't play them.

I've tried redownloading the playlists, clearing my cache, and even uninstalling and reinstalling spotify, but nothing has been working.

Btw, I'm on a Spotify Premium Family Plan.
Device: Pixel 6 w/ Android Version 13
Spotify Version:
tengo spotify premium pero no puedo escuchar mis listas descargadas sin internet....
Yeah, Spotify works fairly well online but I'm very disappointed in how
Spotify works offline especially when I'm travelling. To be blunt, the tech
support is none existent. This user community approach to finding a fix is
frankly a poor deflection of Spotify actually doing some real tech support.
My advice w/b to drop Spotify and go with another music streaming provider.
Maybe if enough people dropped Spotify they would actually take notice and
do something about the poor performance offline.


Device Model and OS: iPad Air 4th generation, iOS 16.3.1

Spotify Version: (recently deleted and reinstalled)


Content Downloaded: Individual songs from Liked Songs and playlists


Accessing From: My library. Liked songs list, saved playlists


Saved Content Location: Internal Storage (no SD card for this device). Storage is not full.


“Are the track rows displaying a download badge, with the track row greyed out, and the app displaying the “You’re currently offline” banner?” Yes.


In which of the following scenarios does the issue occur?

  • After you've switched to a different subscription
  • After restarting the app while in Offline mode
  • When trying to access the offline playlists in a country different than the one they were downloaded in
  • None of the above (please share your thoughts if you've noticed a particular pattern and provide the steps to reproduce it)


I don’t remember when it started. I had an individual subscription then joined a family plan not long ago. I have not traveled to another country.

It happens when I try to set the app to Offline mode to listen to music when I know I won’t have internet access or the service will be horrible. I’ll be online and download new songs or simply go online because I have no reason to be offline and as soon as I switch to Offline all my songs go grey. If I’m playing a song before going offline I may be able to listen to it on repeat but nothing else works and that song may stop working too.

The app will even say that my Offline usage expired and I cannot be offline for more than 30 days well before 30 days (or even 1 day) has passed.

It seems to have gotten progressively worse/more sensitive. I could use it offline and it might kick me off but then it’d work okay here and there, but now it’s not having it.


On top of this, it seems like my downloaded songs keep being offloaded and re-downloaded. I’m always having to download songs despite the fact that I’ve already downloaded the same songs over and over again since the issue started, but my storage space for Spotify stays the same.







(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016)

Operating System

(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.)


My Question or Issue

I recently switched from premium students to premium duo. Everything works except for listening offline. I got the green symbol that it is downloaded, but it doesn't work when I  am offline.

I still got the same Phone (Samsung galaxy). I tried to delete the app and re-install but that didn't help


Motorola/moto (g60s)  Android version 12



Playlist, accessing from my library. It used to work before, now it's grayed out.

Saving to SD card.

Not showing banner for offline mode.It happened after I switch from premium to premium family. 


I really appreciate your help, I need so bad to be able to play music through the offline mode.







i have the same problem with my premium duo, I downloaded the music but it wont play offline




Premium Family




(Iphone X)

Operating System

(iOS 16)


My Question or Issue

I can’t play my downloaded songs and I already find a solution that may help me here but none of it worked 

I already did the offloaded app and delete and turned off my phone and reinstall the app but still, I can’t play it in offline mode though I downloaded it.

