
Help Wizard

Step 1


Crossfade option isn't working on the desktop app.

We've received reports that the Crossfade feature isn't working correctly on the desktop app. No matter how many seconds are being added, it won't work and after returning to the settings page, it's set to a random amount of seconds.

Hey everyone,


Thanks for your patience while we looked into this issue.


We’re happy to inform you that this should now be fixed! Just make sure your app is updated to the latest version.


If you still don't see the change, try the following:

  1. Open Spotify, turn the Crossfade off and then restart Spotify.
  2. Turn the Crossfader back on and change the value.

If you're still having trouble, make sure to post a new thread in the relevant help board here.




macOS Monterey 12.2.1 – the same here.


I think I found a temporary fix for the issue until Spotify patches it.

Make sure Spotify is closed before following these steps:

1. Open the Windows Explorer and go to: "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\Users\<somenumber>-user"

2. Open the file "prefs" with any editor. For example use the Windows Editor by right-clicking on the file, select "Open with" and then click on "Editor".

3. Change the number behind "audio.crossfade.time_v2=" to the number of milliseconds (IMPORTANT not seconds) you like to have as crossfade. For example if you would like to have 5 seconds of crossfade, enter 5000.

4. Save the updated file and close it.

5. Open Spotify and it should work right away. You can also go to your advanced settings and check if the crossfade value is correctly displayed there. But be aware that if you move that slider, it all gets messed up again and you have to start over again!!



Same issue here


Device:  laptop

Operating system: macOS Catalina 10.15.7

Spotify version:


Premium account holder

UK based


Crossfade option not working on my apple macbook pro. My account currently shows -1982291 seconds on the crossfade option via the spotify desktop app. Any update from the spotify teams on when it will be fixed? 


Crossfade was set to 6s. All ok
I logged out and a friend logged in to check as she had the issue
Since, crossfade time is a random value and does work anymore

Spotify premium for Windows 10

Desktop App and Web Application
thank you for your work !


  • Macbook Air M1 2020 - macOS Monterey 12.2.1
  • Spotify for macOS (Apple Silicon)

Before I start, please don't address me with 'thanks for reaching out'.


We thought we'd use Spotify for a wedding with it's clever crossfade feature on a `Mac desktop. But it doesn't work and looking here it appears it wasn't working last week either. Why isn't it fixed? Do you know what it feels like to have a song stop and having to wait for the next when it's being used for a wedding!!  A wedding. Embarrassing. And no we didn't want a DJ.  Please fix this in the next year or so. Grrrrrrr


Hey guys, so, I actually figured out a solution to this. One of these comments already stated how to do it, but because it's really confusing to understand, if any of you have discord you can add me @ Nurture#2022, or message me on Twitter @Hypocriticalll, and we can voice chat sometime so I can go over it step by step with ya!! Just be warned, I only know how do this with non-mac users, just a heads up! ^^

Do you have a workaround that actually works? People here have been posting about toggling crossfade button on/off after setting to 12 seconds. Is this what your referring to or is it something else?

I’d love to hear back from you with a solution until Spotify fixes this.



The workaround I explained in my previous comment works fine. With it you can set any crossfade value between 1 and 12 seconds. However, it's a workaround for Windows. I do not know whether it works on Mac. But I think you could make it work if you find the location where Spotify locally saves its settings.


If you have any questions regarding the Windows workaround feel free to ask!