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Error code: 30




United Arab Emirates


Macbook Pro late 2019

Operating System



My Question or Issue

I repeatedly get the firewall error message and I've run every fix suggested on this community. It simply refuses to work. It works perfectly on my Android phone however.


Screen Shot 2020-03-05 at 9.24.50 PM.png
Hey there folks,
We really appreciate all your reports so far!
As this issue could be caused by individual network setups, we'll mark it as Not Right Now for now since it's something that will need to be looked into individually or could get resolved by an overall system and/or functionality change.
If you're experiencing this, we'd recommend making sure to try all the relevant steps first as these usually do the trick:
  • Thoroughly reinstall the app with these steps.
  • Check your firewall and antivirus software/apps to make sure Spotify is whitelisted or set as an exception.
  • Remove ALL entries from the Windows hosts file (not just the Spotify ones).
  • Uninstall any ad-blocker apps.
  • Run Windows in Safe Mode with Networking - if the app works with no issues there, we'd suggest adjusting different network settings and uninstalling any software that might be conflicting with Spotify's connectivity.
  • If possible, try connecting your desktop to the internet via a mobile hotspot. Should the app work through it, consult with your router's manufacturer.
  • If you're on a non-personal device or network (student laptop, student network, corporate laptop, corporate network) get in touch with the administrator for more help.
If you're still having troubles after checking all these, let us know by starting a new thread in the related Help Board and including all the steps you've tried so far and their outcome. We'll be happy to take a closer look and lend a hand there!

Hi there, I am experiencing an issue shown in the subject and the picture below:





United Kingdom



Operating System

Windows 10


My Question or Issue

This isn't the only thing I have a problem with: Google ad pages won't work for me either and I believe that it's one error causing these problems. If anybody knows how to even get Spotify to work, help would be appreciated 


Thanks in advance: Krys


Same issue.

Spotify (Free) worked on Windows 10 v1909.

I executed "Reset To Factory" to have just a clean instance of Windows 10 v1909 with all Windows Updates. & after,  installed only 4 programs: Avira AV, Netflix, Spotify, & VLC.


Now, 'Spotify Client' refuses to login & asks me to check Firewall or Proxy Settings (Error Code 30).

1. I tried to disable Windows Firewall,

2. I tried to update Proxy Settings to: No Proxy.

None helped.





Hey are you also having trouble opening google ad pages by any chance or is it only an error with Spotify?


J'ai le même problème "code erreur 30" Lors de la connexion et j'ai aucun problème avec Google pour ma part, je pense donc que c'est un problème de Spotify. Ça m'enerve 😞

I did the same. Going from Windows 10 version 1909 back to version 1903, disabling Windows Firewall, Updating Proxy settings to: No Proxy and nothing helped. 😞

Everything worked fine before.

Hi all! ( @Bankerr @Kryzeg @Jojo40 @nnezi )

Welcome to the Spotify Community! In this case I'd recommend doing a complete Clean Reinstall you can do this by following all in the instructions in this article over on the Community here!


Let me know how it goes! 




I have this same problem as well. Doing a clean reinstall doesn't work for me either.


I’ve had some updates behind the scenes, could you guys give this ago and let me know what happens!

Open Notepad as an administrator (right-click - Open as Administrator)

go to File - Open and navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

Choose "All Files" instead of "Text Documents" next to the File Name box. You'll see a handful of files. Pick hosts and click on Open

When the file is open, you will see a block of text with # in front of each line and might see entries like website.com127.0.0.1

Check for any entries with Spotify in the address. Examples may look like: weblb-wg.gslb.spotify.com0.0.0.0

If you do find any lines with Spotify, please remove them

Save your changes and restart Spotify


it works.


Removing spotify from my host files worked, my question is, how the heck did the entry get put in there in the first place. i know i dont ever poke around in my hosts file.