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Playback stops after playing few songs on Echo devices

We've received multiple reports where repeat stops working & playback pauses after a few songs on Amazon Echo devices.

Hey there folks,

We've checked with our teams and this should now be fixed for everyone 🙂

Make sure that your Echo device is up-to-update, should you still experience issues. You can do this by asking Alexa for an update with the voice command - "Alexa, check for updates".

If the above doesn't do the trick, and the issue persists, we recommend that you create a new thread on our Help Board, so we can look into it further.



Appears to only happen on my echo devices - web player is fine and also when using my smartwatch 


Spotify version: android ios


Echo devices : 

Echo Dot 3rd gen- software 10101204356

Echo 1st gen 10101202820

Echo 1st gen 10101204356

Echo 3rd gen 10101204356


Noticed this issue since Sunday14th April  ( possibly a day or 2 earlier)  seems to have happened out of the blue.- no association to software updates or changes - happening in multiple locations/ wifi networks 


Steps taken- Updated software on both my phones, updated Spotify app and alexa app, uninstalled and reinstalled both apps

updated software on Echo devices. 

Removed Spotify skill in alexa app and re-added

Restarted router - checked WiFi signal and speeds - over 300mbps ( minimum) 

Same issue when using Echo in another location and WiFi network. 













Alexa doesn’t have sleep timers enabled. Any other suggestions?


I wrote a response to the above numerous times but it keeps being removed?

Please let me know if anything works for you

I'm experiencing the same issue and it drives me mad. Please find a solution for this asap as this is the only reason I have alexa. To be able to (continuously) play music and to stop it when I want it to stop. Same as @Portoman, I've tried all the suggestions and nothing seems to be working at all. 


So here you go :

  • Does this only happen on your Alexa devices or the same happens if you're streaming directly on your devices (phone, PC, etc.)? 

It seems that it's only streaming via Iphone to the Echo Device. When I play Music on my Desktop without Streaming to anywhere everything is working perfectly. It happen on every Echo Device...(Dot, Show, Original one etc.)


  • Exact Spotify version you're running on your devices

Same Problem with the newest Update Yesterday. 8.9.32 but the error also occures with the Version 8.9.30


  • Exact OS of your devices (make sure to let us know the exact make/model of your affected devices as well)

All our Devices are running 17.4.1 and the Error Occures at the Iphone 15 pro and also with the Iphone 13 pro

  • When did you notice this issue for the first time? Did it start happening after a specific event such as an update? 

It started about 3-4 days and when you read the comments from the Skill Section at the Alexa App a lot of users experiences this error. Maybe it's not a Problem with the iOS Spotify App rather the Amazon Alexa Skill?

  • Troubleshooting you've already tried 

Deinstalled Spotify Skill and App on the Iphones and the Echos, Checked if there are Update for the Echo's. Switched the WiFi Channels, Switched WiFi 2,4 GHZ and 5 GHZ. Position change from the Echos direct near by the Router...all without a solution. Reboot all devices etc.

  • Does this only happen on your Alexa devices or the same happens if you're streaming directly on your devices (phone, PC, etc.)?  Only happening on Echo devices - no issues when streaming on my phones, my smartwatch or web player 
  • Exact Spotify version you're running on your devices Samsung Android -  IOS 
  • Exact OS of your devices (make sure to let us know the exact make/model of your affected devices as well)
    Echo Dot 3rd gen ( 10101204356)  Echo 1st gens x 2, Echo Show x 2 Echo 3rd gen 
  • When did you notice this issue for the first time? Did it start happening after a specific event such as an update? Roughly started last weekend, maybe Sunday evening. 
  • Troubleshooting you've already tried - OS updates on both phones - updated spotify app on both phones - update alexa app on both phones - uninstalled both apps on phones - Checked for updates on all the echos, removed the skill/ readded - turned router off/on - checked for updates, checked mbps speeds where it's located ( over 250mbps ) used in other locations with different networks ( same issue ) 

    As above, i'm wondering if there's an issue with the spotify skill? 

I am having issue as well, started this past week. Done ALL troubleshooting that has been recommended. Spotify on Echo is pausing after just a couple of repeated loops. 


Similar to others, happening only echo. Everything updated.

I switched echo devices, same problem. 

Started this past week.

I also selected echo from desktop, and Samsung phone, both stopped when played on Echo.

Issue is not applicable when play on pc or phone.


Same here, does not matter where I start spotify from, my pc or mobile phone or asking alexa, it stops playing on the alexa speaker after 4-6 songs. FIX!