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"My Shazam Tracks" playlist doesn't sync/add all shazamed tracks

Plan; Premium

Country: New Zealand


It's the same on all my devices - whether Apple or Android 


My Question or Issue


I've been using the automatic sync function where songs I have shazamed show up automatically in the 'My Shazams Playlist'. They stopped syncing so I followed the advice on this community of disconnecting the two, deleting the playlist on Spotify, then reconnecting. I've done this 3 times now.  However the playlist on Spotify only shows 94 songs whereas I've Shazamed 147 songs. And the songs that don't show up seem random - it's not that the first ones don't show or that certain albums don't show. For example I shazamed 3 songs recently from the same album on the same day and only one shows in Spotify. Any ideas? 

Hey everyone,


Thank you for reporting this issue to us.


  • iOS

This should now be fixed for all iOS users with the release of Shazam v 14.2. Just make sure your Spotify and Shazam apps are updated to the latest version.


Note that past Shazams will no longer sync to Spotify as part of the ‘Sync Shazams to Spotify’ feature. We have however improved the syncing to find and add more of your new Shazams to the ‘My Shazam Tracks’ playlist.


You can find out more on how to use Shazam in conjunction with Spotify on iOS in this Spotify Answer.


  • Android

The relevant team is still looking into possible solutions for AndroidWe're not able to provide an exact timeline for a fix, but we'd recommend always keeping your Spotify app up to date to ensure you're on the latest version.

Keep in mind that in the meanwhile, you can manually add tracks you Shazam to your "My Shazam Tracks" playlist.


Thanks again!

Top Answer
Spotify Legend

Hey there folks, 


Just sharing an update with you all:


I've gone ahead and did some tweaks in the Status Update to make it more clear that this issue should be resolved for iOS users as this caused some confusion.

If you're currently in version 14.2 (and newer) of the Shazam app and you're experiencing something similar on an iOS device, we'd recommend posting in the relevant Help board so we can take a closer look into things.


We'd also suggest checking out this Spotify Answer that contains more info and troubleshooting you can try.


For Android users, rest assured that the teams are still working into improving things. Make sure to keep both Spotify and Shazam apps up to date in the meanwhile.


Lastly, keep in mind that if you're on Android, you can try deleting the "My Shazam Tracks" playlist to restart the sync. However, we don't recommend trying this step if you're having troubles with the iOS app as this won't work in the same way (you'll only see new shazamed tracks display).


If anything changes for Android users, we'll keep you in the loop here!


Hope this helps clear things up a bit more! If you have any questions about what different Ongoing Issue statuses mean, you can check this Spotify Answer.


Have a lovely day 🙂


@imbafisk4tw Not disputing you here, I'm not a programmer. What would the purpose of that be?


Push people to use Apple Music instead of Spotify. Shazam Sync works just fine over there


still sh*t...

tryed Troubleshooting, now my spotify shazam playlist is empty, but new shazam's getting synced ...

not like it should work, but working on new ones ...


I've played around with the spotify api before and i really find it hard to believe this is a difficult issue to fix, especially given that it's been three years. something doesn't add up. either they pushed the issue way down their backlog, or they are purposely ignoring it so people use apple music as someone suggested.


Week 43 - Still no fix....


Not working on Android


2021-01-27, still not working on Android. It's been years since the problem was first identified. Deleting playlist, disconnecting/reconnecting, deleting Spotify does not help. Latest versions of Android, Spotify and Shazam. 

Please don't ask me to "Help others find this answer and click "Accept as Solution".



Week 44 - Still no fix....


New tracks were not syncs. I followed the explained steps and now all my tracks from the Shazam playlist are gone. Now only new tracks are synced. Very very frustrating 


Tried the Shazam Help on Apple Support. The link in "In addition to Apple Music, connect Shazam to other services like Snapchat and Spotify" does not work - it redirects to "The page you're looking for can't be found", which is not surprising - perhaps Apple does not want you to connect to a competitor's music streaming service.