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Compulsory auto-crossfade in playlists

Compulsory auto-crossfade in playlists

Hello, some playlists in Spotify (many by Spotify) have an automatic crossfade feature which I know can be very infuriating (as many people have also mentioned it and complained about it).

As far as I can tell this cannot be turned off (no, the settings crossfade also does not work) because it is "how the artist/Spotify intends the playlist to be listed to".


This is very unsatisfactory as the crossfade ruins many playlists and renders them unenjoyable. I know I can always "save all the songs into my own playlist and then listed to them" but again this is not satisfactory. The user should have the freedom to listen to the music how they want to.


It's fine if the crossfade is on by default, but there should at least be an option (for Premium users) to turn the cross fade off (perhaps within the playlist setting).


Is there any chance this option will be introduced? And if not, why?







Android & Windows

Operating System

Android Oreo & Windows 10

1 Reply

Hey @theraxel.


Thanks for getting in touch!


It's true that some playlists are crossfaded by default. The only way to get around this is to drag all songs into one of your own playlists.


Vote for this idea if you'd like to be able to turn off crossfade for these playlists.


Let us know if you have further questions. We'll be happy to help.


Have a nice day!

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