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Lyrics no longer sync on TV

Lyrics no longer sync on TV

I have 2 TCL Roku TVs. The lyrics are no longer in sync-the lyrics actually jump ahead so you cannot even see what is currently being sung.




United States



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My Question or Issue

I have 2 TCL Roku TVs. The lyrics are no longer in sync-the lyrics actually jump ahead so you cannot even see what is currently being sung.

  • TV
102 Replies

I have similar issue. The difference is the device. I don't have any Roku TVs to try it on, but I do have 5 Roku Ultras which all do it.

I've tried on 2 Google TVs (1 Sony and 1 Hisense) without any sync issues. 

I've had this issue for at least 1 year and frequently check for Spotify app updates. I have the newest version.


I have uninstalled the app on Roku, restarted Roku, reinstalled the app on Roku many times over the last year. It never helps.


I found if I rewind the song slightly but don't go to the very beginning of the song then it won't jump the lyrics ahead. Annoying to have to do for every song.


I've also noticed it happens usually in the first minute of the song. Not every song but very close. Probably happens at least 90% of the time.


My phone is Samsung S24 Ultra and my previous phone was S10 but the lyrics are not out of sync on my phone, only Roku.

I agree Roku issue. I have 5 Roku Ultras and all have the issue. No issue on my phone or on 2 Google TVs (Sony and Hisense).

Absolutely the same issue, started happening to my Roku TVs playing Spotify a couple months ago after working fine before. 


exact same problem, its been going on for months on my roku tv and its so annoying 

Yep. Same exact thing with every single song. How is this such a difficult issue for yall to fix? We can pay more per month every time you tell us to, but you can’t give us a working product?

I wish this would be fixed. I reported it the day after the Roku app was updated and this issue appeared... which was months ago. About to ditch Spotify for this reason. 

To add some information, this happens to me on several Roku devices, too.  Different types, it doesn't seem to matter.   Here's the interesting part:  it doesn't happen to my wife using her premium account (we have a family plan) playing the exact same song, to the exact same device, right after me, with nothing being rebooted.  So, it's something in the individual account/profile. 

It does only happen on Roku tvs it seems, because I don't have the same problem with my google one, so maybe its just the os itself? i don't know, just trying to think of reason lol



iPhone and Roku TV



My Question or Issue

For the longest time, lyrics were always slightly ahead on any TV I used Spotify on. It seems the lyrics start before the song. But now every single song on my phone does the same thing, so no lyrics are ever synced. People pay for this feature and it doesn’t work. Just blaming MusixMatch doesn’t fix this because there’s no way this is every song on there. 

Same issue.  I have a premium account, and it happens on our Samsung TV..No Roku.   Weird, because the progress bar on my phone app is accurate, but the app on the TV shows the progress farther along...or even sometimes, it jumps to the end of the song (for the lyrics).

I have this issue too, found this thread trying to find a solution and seems really common bit still no resolution?

Samsung Tizen TV problem has gotten exponentially worse in the past few months. Switching to Apple Music. They also use MusicMatch and no issues.

We're having this problem too, on our Samsung TV app. So frustrating! See this video where it shows the timing bar at the bottom - the song starts with it ahead, and I'm guessing the lyrics line up with this. We also get kicked out of songs and when we go back into the playlist and select the song we were just listening to, it insists on starting at the first song again.

When I play a music in my TV using Spotify app installed in a Roku Express device, the lyrics are synchronized with the music vocals at the beginning, but some seconds after the music is playing it seems that auto scroll mess and "jump" forward some "lines" and starts to display incorrectly.

I'm having the same issue. I noticed it when I installed roku audio system. I have researched that there is a delay because it is a wireless audio system, so there will be a delay. For this, Roku TV delay the video images to be synced with the audio. For some reason Spotify lyrics are not delayed, so the text nwill be ahead of the music.  I haven't tried back with tv speakers directly but I'm pretty sure this have something to do with the issue.

Hello , in my Samsung Tv the the lyrics from the songs aren’t synchronized and I tried to delete the app and download again but it’s still the same. There is something we could do? Only on this device I have problem with the lyrics

I've also been having this issue and just discovered a temporary fix:

While music is playing on the TV, open the Spotify app on another device like your phone. On both devices, display the lyrics. Your phone will most likely also be showing the lyrics out of sync because it is playing on the TV. All you need to do is tap on one of the lyrics on your phone and it should re-sync them.

This will not fix the issue permanently, it varies on how long it will stay synced after. But it's something.








2019 Nvidia Shield Pro

Operating System

Shield Android TV 9.1.1


My Question or Issue

When using the latest version of the Spotify app (1.83.3) on my Nvidia Shield, the seek bar and lyrics are out of sync. Using Spotify Connect or Google Cast from my iPhone (app version on an iPhone 13 Pro Max on iOS 17.5.1) , the Shield app shows the progress bar at 00:00 while the song is playing, and the lyrics are stuck at the beginning. However, the lyrics are synced perfectly on my phone, and when I pause the song (either from my phone or the TV remote), the seek bar and lyrics snap to the correct place, only to go back to 00:00 when I pause. Meanwhile the actual audio of song is playing normally, consistent with the position showing on my phone. When I go to seek, the bar snaps back to 00:00 unless I seek halfway through the song, when it snaps to halfway (still inconsistent with the actual position in the song it’s playing). 


I’ve had an issue with lyrics on the Shield app for a few months (usually just out of sync), but this added issue with the seek bar is new. This is very frustrating as I like to play music with the lyrics up on my TV while I work. 


Can’t attach a video, so please see this imgur link for an example. 

While Spotify on roku does offer lyrics, they don’t automatically sync. So you have to rewind a bit of the song (via phone or tv) to get them to sync. Not the end of the word but just something I hope they fix at some point!






(Sony X90L Android TV)

Operating System

(Android TV 10)


My Question or Issue

When I turn on the lyrics on my TV app, the lyrics are always delayed about 3 lines, on my phone it syncs up correctly unless it's a MusixMatch issue, but this can't be their fault, as it works on my phone but not on my TV...???

Would be nice to have the lyrics show up in time on my TV as well....

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