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Lyrics no longer sync on TV

Lyrics no longer sync on TV

I have 2 TCL Roku TVs. The lyrics are no longer in sync-the lyrics actually jump ahead so you cannot even see what is currently being sung.




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My Question or Issue

I have 2 TCL Roku TVs. The lyrics are no longer in sync-the lyrics actually jump ahead so you cannot even see what is currently being sung.

  • TV
Top Answer

Hey folks, 


Thanks for your patience while our teams looked into this.


This should now be fixed. Make sure to update your app to the latest version available and let us know if it's working as it should. 


We'll be on the lookout for your replies.

102 Replies

Im having this same problem. Kinda annoying because I’ve tried all the fixes and it’s only appropriately synced on my iPhone. Following lyrics is something I loved doing in my tv and it’s been like a year and this still hasn’t been fixed. Wild. 

The support team has no idea what's going on with their app lol. How would restarting my internet router even help? Just fix the app!!! 

Hi Vasil, some days ago I played a couple songs and it seemed to be fixed. Of course, previously I updated Spotify to the latest version (I use Roku Premiere). But then the lyrics were ahead of the music as usual, not synced. It's been a year this issue started, and lots of comments have been made in this topic so probably a lot of users are affected by it and care about the lyric syncing which is a great feature (when it worked).



First, I have tried it on multiple Roku Ultras (about 5 different units at
my house and my parent's house) and they all have the out of sync issue.
So uninstalling the app and reinstalling it has never fixed it.

It is not an internet issue as I don't have the issue on any Google TV
platforms. I have 1 GB internet service and I am hard-wired. I have also
tried using Wi-Fi as well but no change.

One odd item I discovered is the rest of my family (under the family plan)
does not seem to have the issue. I do have a lot more songs downloaded to
my phone than the rest of the family so not sure if that could be an
issue?? Although I did try deleting all of them and uninstalling the app
from my phone and re-installing, but it did not fix the issue (but it has
been a while since I did it).

Hello. Can't you delay the lyrics by 2 seconds? It becomes so difficult to solve when there is such a lag when they sing before the lyrics. Etc. a persistent listener. Mikael Axelsson

it still don't work for me it like skips 20 seconds on the lyrics for my tv

Listen, it’s been a year since this has been brought to Spotifys attention and still nothing has been done and it’s been a month since the last reply. You guys don’t even have the courtesy to give us an update. This forum is filled with comments and on top of that the reply given was very much so a “did you try unplugging it” answer. YouTube music it is. I’m deactivating my Spotify as we speak because not being able to fix the issue is one thing but to also not have any updates and the updates we do have are just terrible answers? I’m good. I would’ve been happy with a simple “We’re aware this issue exists and we’re working on it.” Instead you blame the consumers internet, app updates etc. when it’s clearly a problem on your end. You guys clearly don’t care about consumer feedback and this forum is a prime example. I hope others follow my lead and from the looks of other comments on here, they are. 

I've tried this and several other methods in an attempt to fix it and there's absolutely no difference.

For an update, the issue with the scroll bar has gone away but I am back to the issue I previously had that everyone else in this thread is describing, the lyrics are several seconds behind the music. I’m sure we would all appreciate a response as the report that the issue was resolved in September obviously is not accurate. 


I have tried logging out, clearing data, deleting and reinstalling the app, using a different network, and initiating playback from my phone vs. from the TV. Lyrics are still approximately 3 seconds behind the music. 

Hello to all i found the solution. Sync the time on the tv with your phone in seconds.

I had 8 seconds delay with lyriks because my tv was 8 second back  in time

I’m not sure if anything has been updated regarding this issue, but I’ve had and currently still have this issue. I used to have an LG tv and using the Spotify app always gave me the same issue as the original poster. I had since got an Samsung TV that has the exact same issue. the lyrics are delayed by 3 lines. I just want to clarify that this all all done through the app on the TV not mirrored through my phone. Any help to sort this would be greatly appreciated:)

We just purchased a frame TV and are trying to sync lyrics with audio in Spotify.  They are in sync when listening on my iPhone but not in sync when listening through the TV

How is it possible that so many people have the same issue, yet Spotify hasn’t provided a solution? We’re paying for a service that should work smoothly, but this is frustrating.


It might be time to consider other options like YouTube Music or Deezer.


BTW... I've the same problem and there's not anything to do

the problem of the delay is the time

check the time in your tv and the time in your phone

chek the time in seconds



phone time  04:58:50

tv time      04:58:47


you will have 3 seconds delay in Tv

in my example the solutions is to make the tv time 04:58:50


Just synd the time and make that the seconds are the same




This is not resolved. You literally were active on this forum 2 hours ago. I got a notification for it. And this post used to not pop up as the top answer which you obviously changed so people can just see that it’s “solved” when someone posted having the same problem 3 hours ago. Crazy. Bye Spotify ✌️



check seconds to the diference of the seconds is the delay you have

sync the time in seconds

This does not fix it.

First, mine jumps ahead by up to a minute not behind. 

Most devices auto-sync to time and you cannot change it like that. 

Trie to manualy set the time ans thens turn it over to auto synk and click

There is not a way to manually set time on Roku (especially down to the
seconds.). You can only change the time zone and if you want 12 hour or 24
hour time.

I don't have an issue on any Google TV devices only Roku (none are Roku

It isn't the time.  This used to work back when the lyrics feature was announced.  At some point, it just stopped working and so far, Spotify hasn't yet responded with a fix despite the four pages of comments on this thread.  The glitch could be a change in the Roku operating system, or it's something in the app.  It is not our equipment.

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