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My Pioneer N50A no longer appears in my Spotify app.


I've been using this player since 2015 and I've never had this problem. I can see my PC and other devices, but the Pioneer has disappeared.


So far I have done the following

- Reset modem;

- Reset the N50A;

- I've reinstalled the latest available firmware;

- I turned my smartphone back to factory settings.


So far unsuccessful



70 Replies

Hi everybody. Quick heads up I have still no progress on my side despite I keep pushing all the guys. However I learned despite state so by Pioneer there seems to be no such open source code running on the N-50A device at all I got confirmation back from Japan HQ  (!!) so they've to correct statements on their product page. At the same time I asked why we cannot even get the original firmware downloaded on this site for the N-50A at least that one. URL:

And on your side any updates or progress? Do you also try to push Pioneer or your reseller?

I give up. Selling my N-50A and moving to YAMAHA WXC-50. 

That was first and last product from Pioneer. Way to go Pioneer!!

Hey aurizz ok that is a courageous decision respect for that. I will keep hanging on until I get at least a clear statement back from Pioneer they owe me that and my machine still is under guarantee. However I won't wait for ever since I don't have this service available in the meantime I paid for somehow too. Hope other guys here are also having a N-50A device with similar issue than min and ready to fight for their rights. Cheers

i wrote to Pioneer support but they are not wasting time with me because my device is 3 years old and warranty period is over.  if anyone is interested... 

intnl shipping possible


my player is still on sale and no one is interested... maybe any news from Pioneer about firmware update?

Same issu with a Pioneer N-P01

I hope that they don't disable these devices 😕


Hey folks still waiting on my side. OK it was Eastern but next week I will pick up the topic again be assured. That said I bought a Chromecastv2 Ultra and THIS is what I call a viable product so far. This Chromecast now connects to one of my N50 digital inputs and it's small so ok for me but not perfect.

For selling your N50A you have to go other channels than this one. Who wants to buy a partially functionning device? No way. Please go talk to your reseller and keep opening tickets at Pioneer support that is the only way we may get a chance here. Also check your rights applicable in the country you live. I know not very interesting but it's how the game works in such cases. Courage


Pioneer and Spotify updated list of unsupported devices. N-50A is in both lists, so looks like we have no chance to get spotify back on. For Pioneer it is much easier to update list of outdated hardwere than update BIOS. If they hope we are going to spend more money to buy new Pioneer players **bleep** they are wrong.


Same here! Spotify Connect can't detect my N50A anymore.


I mean, this is a joke! Both, Pioneer and Spotify **bleep** about their customers.

I paid a lot of money for this device which was advertised with Spotify Connect and suddenly Spotify doesn't feel the need anymore to support it. On the other hand Pioneer can't be bothered to give it a firmware update because they wan't to push their newer models. That's a slap right in the face of every customer.


I contacted both, Spotify and Pioneer to let them know that this is not acceptable. Heavily disappointed with these companies. Best thing you can do is let people know about the shitty customer service and switch to other providers.

Hi Max_H1 I so well can understand you and think you well summarized what each customer like you or me feels when this happens. I keep pushing Pioneer and my reseller but now that the N-50A ALSO is on the "discontinued" list hopes are thin we get something here. I will start writing to widely read magazines in coming days to tell this everybody. Problem here is: the (N-50A) device is very expensive for what it is and it's very easy to update via a new Firmware means no excuses for Pioneer to push us customers to buy a new one. Where are you living (country)?

I just notice Pioneer simply modified their N-50A web site where you no longer can see that this product supports Spotify Connect: That is a very recent change. They really take us for stupid?

I got an answer in the meantime by my reseller which also waits on a clear statement from Pioneer so he finally knows what he can do for me. Since my machine still is under guarantee I may get the more recent one N-50AE but that remains totally open yet. And you folks any updates?

@schmidji19: I'm living in Austria. Hope for you that you get the upgrade from Pioneer. My warranty expired 2 weeks ago. LOL


Today I got an answer from Spotify, here is an excerpt [translated]: "As we want to improve the overall experience with Spotify, the app will not be available on Pioneer speakers in the future. [...]

Therefore, we believe your listening experience will be even better."


Spotify, are you kidding me? Is this supposed to be irony? How is you taking a **bleep** on your customers going to enhance the listening experience?

Last year Pioneer released a firmware update for some of their devices enabling "Chrome Cast built-in", which is also supported by Spotify, I understand. For example the N30AE. Unfortunately not for the N50A, as it is too old apparently.

Yep the suffixed AE versions are new hardware platform as I understood from Pioneer support so far. It looks like the A versions use the same hardware platform as the former "no suffix" versions like the N-50 I also had before - just AD converters changed and the display. I understood this from N-50A schematics I found and also Pioneer support.

For my case it looks like I simply will get a N-50AE as guarantee exchange for free: give back N-50A and get the newer N-50AE since its treated as a guarantee case. I live in Switzerland and here guarantee must last by law 2 years - so all Swiss folks you're informed now. For other countries try at least to get the more recent version as I did. Good luck and I keep you posted how it worked out for me at the end.

I confirm that for Switzerland at least you can get a replacement machine being more recent if your actual machine still is under guarantee. I will get a N-50AE as replacement of the N-50A - give back the old, get the new.

Perhaps I already said it here but the N-50A is based on the same hardware generation as the N-50 just with different converters and a bigger screen but the MCU and OS seem to be very close to the N-50. I understood this from Pioneer support. Means the N-50AE relies on a totally new HW generation and also brings more recent ESS D/A converters still being listed (9016S and no longer the obsolete 9011 ones).

That let me think we simply were not very chanceful since the A versions were an intermediate product kind of a test run prior bringing out the AE version that more looks like a major than a minor version.

Again please check with your reseller / importer and if your machine still is under guanrantee - if so there is no reason they don't change your machine but this depends on laws and countries you live so simply try.

Morning and hello all. I finally got a replacement machine for free: the N-50AE. Aside the fact I am of course very happy on how my case finishes I simply wanted to share this here: the AE version indeed seems to be a completely reengineered harwdware platform and despite it looks like very similar to the A version it's completely different in how it functions and also the Androir app is of a new kind where all works much more smoother and really all works here no hassle no fuss.

So from a product point of view I am very happy with the AE that also includes the excellent sound quality of the DA converters being built-in so you cannot go wrong for this. At the end what I learned is Pioneer handles this EOL of the A version very badly and Spotify was not perfect as well. I say this since I am supposed to receive emails and newsletters from both but never did so hence never was informed of this kind of shutdown and that creates huge frustrations.

For all you others out there I hope you get a solution as well and this applies not only to Pioneer but any brand or kind of device you may have. My advise: ask kindly and remain objective in your arguments both your reseller importer or the brand directly. Generally if well formulated that can help. Good luck and thanks for following here.


I hope getting same solution with my little Pioneer N-P01 🙂

Mmmh the N-P01 is on the same page as the N-50AE and hence not discontinued believing how Pioneer organizes the pages. You say you lost Spotify Connect support wheras prior this was working? I notices Pioneer started to change the web pages on their site for instance in the archive section dixit my former N-50A I had: there Spotify Connect support and suchs simply disappeared very discretely. As said: I don't like the way Pioneer handles this EOL and communicates on this in front of its users we are.

Last thing I didn't stress enough: your guarantee must still be applicable otherwise there is no chance anybody wants to discuss. In my case I just bought my N-50A so it was clearly a guarantee case. Good luck.

Just got an asnwer from Pioneer ticket. The A versions are all discontinued for Spotify, same goes unfortunately also for the N-P01 😞

Sorry for you folks.

To properly close this I keep asking Pioneer what EXACTLY made them doing this, I want and need a clear and honest explanation - I guess must be some new chips having been needed (especially  to improve cryptographically protection of all content being streamed over to those devices).

At least good news, after all the negative reports.
In my case, besides the equipment has completed 3 years, I bought / imported direct from Amazon DE and Pioneer does not give warranty for this line in Brazil.

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