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Recording of podcast on Spotify podcast not possible anymore?

Recording of podcast on Spotify podcast not possible anymore?



Country Germany 




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(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.)


My Question or Issue

My wife always recorded podcasts over the Spotify podcast app. She recorded, added music under and uploaded it. With the new update, she can only upload files, but cannot record and customize her new podcasts on Spotify directly. Does everyone has this problem and if yes which app would you recommend to use for recording the podcast.


many thanks for your help and regards






5 Replies

Hi there @FloppeCool,


Thanks for reaching out. 


It seems what you're describing is related to the uploading of podcasts themselves. We here in the Community are more focused on helping with account and app related issues, as well as user feedback. For any questions regarding podcasts you have uploaded or want to upload to Spotify, it’s best to contact our Podcast Support team, they can assist you further.

Hope this clears things up.


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I’m having the same issue with the app. I cannot record from it directly and wondering if that’s a new change because that’s no longer user friendly if we have to record it somewhere and then upload it. Hope there is a resolution soon.

Same here! It doesn’t look like they were able to help much either.

Things change good people! Unfortunately, this app isn’t what it used to be. I encourage you to look up some other options. We found Podbean, podbean pro, and some other options in our App Store search. We pray everything works out for you on your ends! 

I have the same issue. I always recorded and uploaded using  the app, and now it appears I can only upload episodes recorded elsewhere despite Spotify for Podcasters claiming you get taken to Riverside FM to record and edit before uploading, coincidentally this doesn’t work either. I’ve looked at other options but would prefer to keep my podcast where it is. So much for improving the podcasting experience.

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