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Stop Podcast Live Transcript

Stop Podcast Live Transcript

My Question or Issue

I clicked on Episode Transcript for an episode of one of my podcasts in order to check it out and see how it worked. After using it briefly I clicked the back arrow in the top left. Ever since I clicked on that I now have a live transcript on the track page for every podcast with the live transcript option rather than the static image of the podcast. I would like to turn this off but I am not able to find such an option. 







iPhone 12 Pro

Operating System

iOS 17.1.1



Top Answer

Thanks for the info folks! We've resurfaced this with our tech team and will keep you posted as soon as we have any new info to share.


Cheers 🤘

70 Replies

same issue here. ios 17.4.1 spotify

Every time I go to fast forward, my senses are assaulted with a “Clockwork Orange” barrage of unwanted flashing text. I always end up with a headache. Pure torture for anyone with migraines. 

Auto-generated transcripts for podcasts should not be a mandatory setting. Please enable transcripts to be turned off. They are annoying and a waste of real estate and resources. Thanks.

It’s unbelievable how long it’s taking to fix this issue. 

Spotify -

IOS - 17.5.1

Your mistake is naïveté and believing they will. 

Welp, here we are 6 months later!  No fix.  How hard is it to simply add a disable/turn off feature for transcripts.

iOS 17.5.1 / Spotify

Hi! First time to post to the community. Been a Spotify subscriber for as long as it has been in the US 2011/2012ish.


Nothing has been as annoying as these transcriptions that I cannot turn off. I'm going to go back to listening pods on Apple podcast if this isn't fixed in a month or two. It is nice to have everything in one app but this feature is going to drive all the time on the app away from Spotify.


Will always be here for the music and thank you for that.

Still Not Fixed. 
verry Bad Service. 

Same issue here, still. First they quit Car Mode and now this. I mostly listen to Spotify in the car while driving, and would like to keep the screen open to have easy access to changing songs etc, or in this case podcast reading speed, but now I either have to shut the screen or have something else open, because the constantly moving text bothers me. 


Seriously. Please get your app working to serve all customers, including us who enjoy it while driving, or who just simply want to see the episode cover or even a minimalist screen.

"I'm going to go back to listening pods on Apple podcast if this isn't fixed in a month or two." Troubling & disappointing that users just don't take time to read, review & investigate past posts. If you had, you'd see that this transcripts issue dates back to last year. And it still isn't fixed, which should tell you something (inc. that waiting a month or two ain't gonna do you a whit of good). Enjoy your wait but as evidence shows, be prepared for futility.

Still not fixed. Provide an option to disable live transcript! what should this exactly fix? if you don't provide an option to enable or disable this, what do you want achieve with that question? if you don't implement a solution for that, what benefit you got from this information?

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