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Hey folks!Ever experienced any issues with the ad being in the wrong
language, the ad volume and frequency or the content itself?We're
creating this thread in case you're in need of reporting any of those
Just let us know the following details and we...
I created a new playlist in our profile and when I search for it by the
exact title it doesn't show up. I also tried searching for it with the
first word only and it still does not come up. The playlist is called
HardDrive Underground under our profi...
Premium FamilyMy Question or Issue Hi there,I am looking for a way to
wake-up with Spotify without using a Smartphone.My problem is the
following : I am a firefighter and I'm often called at night. I take my
smartphone with me wich leaves my wife wit...
Premium Family My Question or Issue Hi there, I am looking for a way to wake-up with Spotify without using a Smartphone. My problem is the following : I am a firefighter and I'm often calle...
Recently I try to listen to my songs on spotify of PS3 and they play for
a second or less and they stop, I put play due and it stops again, do
you know how I can solve this problem? Thank you
Recently I try to listen to my songs on spotify of PS3 and they play for a second or less and they stop, I put play due and it stops again, do you know how I can solve this problem? Thank you
So, second thread here after moderators decided to delete the first
without even an attempt to answer the issue Some of my artists keep
getting unfollowed. Why? Happens randomly and when I notice, I'm no
longer following certain artists. I refollow o...
So, second thread here after moderators decided to delete the first without even an attempt to answer the issue 😕 Some of my artists keep getting unfollowed. Why? Happens randomly and when ...
excuse me but i cannot play any KISS songs...( just recently). I have a
Free account. It always has been. Currently living a few doors dowth
south (central america). Ive been having issues with Desktop (windows
10) and Android Oreo while trying to pl...
excuse me but i cannot play any KISS songs...( just recently). I have a Free account. It always has been. Currently living a few doors dowth south (central america). ...
A playlist I created for myself and my girlfriend has completely
dissapeared and I have no idea why. I looked at playlist recovery and
its not located there. it is not located on my profile, and it doesnt
show up in my recently played. I really dont ...
A playlist I created for myself and my girlfriend has completely dissapeared and I have no idea why. I looked at playlist recovery and its not located there. it is not located on my profile, and it d...
My Question or Issue Hi, I'm not quite sure what's going on with my
friend activity. The friend activity feed is showing about half the
people I am following. And I have no idea how that happened because last
time I opened spotify in my mac nothing w...
My Question or Issue Hi, I'm not quite sure what's going on with my friend activity. The friend activity feed is showing about half the people I am following. And I have ...
PlanPremium My Question or Issue Why am I forced to use "Car Mode"? I do
not want it. I cannot turn it off. Why is "Waze" being advertised down
my throat? I do not want either product on my app. Is spotify fixing
this, or, are we all expected to just...
Plan Premium My Question or Issue Why am I forced to use "Car Mode"? I do not want it. I cannot turn it off. Why is "Waze" being advertised down my throat? I ...
This is something I’ve been wondering for a long time now – I’ve
reported many songs/albums on Spotify for typos, incorrect album
ordering, etc. and they are never fixed. I have emails showing reports
I’ve submitted from 2015 that are still not fixed...
This is something I’ve been wondering for a long time now – I’ve reported many songs/albums on Spotify for typos, incorrect album ordering, etc. and they are never fixed. I have emails showing report...
I'm creating playlists programatically and I was wondering about the
limits. I read that only 10.000 Songs can be saved to one playlist/all
playlists together. Can anyone clearify this for me? How many songs can
one playlist contain? Does this includ...
I'm creating playlists programatically and I was wondering about the limits. I read that only 10.000 Songs can be saved to one playlist/all playlists together. Can anyone clearify this for me? How ma...
My Question or IssueWhen I input my RSS Feed link, it says: Your podcast
RSS feed is missing some things:AuthorEmail addressI'm using Libsyn and
all of my information has been updated. Any insight would be
My Question or Issue When I input my RSS Feed link, it says: Your podcast RSS feed is missing some things: Author Email address I'm using Libsyn and all of my inf...
Hi guys, I used my mom's Google Home once to play music from my Spotify
while visiting. I don't live with her, so I don't use the Google Home at
all, and no matter how many times I tell Spotify to forget that device,
EVERY TIME someone in my family t...
Hi guys, I used my mom's Google Home once to play music from my Spotify while visiting. I don't live with her, so I don't use the Google Home at all, and no matter how many times I te...
PlanPremiumCountry United KingdomDeviceIphone xOperating System(iOS
12.1.4 My Question or Issue I'm having trouble linking my new premium
account to my alexa via the app.I'm selecting, settings, music, link new
service. But when i click on the spotif...
Plan Premium Country United Kingdom Device Iphone x Operating System (iOS 12.1.4 My Question or Issue I'm having trouble linking my new premium account to my alexa via th...
PlanPremiumCountry EgyptDeviceWindows 10, iPhone XOperating SystemiOS
12.1.3 My Question or Issue This issue popped up recently, but I always
see my friend's listening to "Die Lit" through Discord, but when I tried
to look it up for myself on Spotify...
Plan Premium Country Egypt Device Windows 10, iPhone X Operating System iOS 12.1.3 My Question or Issue This issue popped up recently, but I always see my friend's listen...
PlanFreeCountry IsraelDeviceOne+6Operating SystemAndroid My Question or
IssueHi,I have shared my playlist with a friend, however, I don't want
him to edit the songs I've on my list. How can I limit this option?
Plan Free Country Israel Device One+6 Operating System Android My Question or Issue Hi, I have shared my playlist with a friend, however, I don't want him to edit the songs I'...
I have this very long playlist which contains more than 200 songs. And
everytime i launch it on my Spotify Xbox One App, it takes ages for it
to scroll down to the bottom of it. Because my latest fav. songs are at
the bottom of it. It scrolls very sl...
I have this very long playlist which contains more than 200 songs. And everytime i launch it on my Spotify Xbox One App, it takes ages for it to scroll down to the bottom of it. Because my latest fav...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device Operating System My Question or IssueI
used to be able to Save a song when I clicked on the 3 dots next to the
title. Now that option has gone and I hace to save to a Playlist. Why is
Plan Free/Premium Country Device Operating System My Question or Issue I used to be able to Save a song when I clicked on the 3 dots next to the title. Now...
Longterm Unlimited subscriber.UK/Belgium Web Player on Chrome, MacOS I
have just bought a Chromecast Audio for using with my Spotify
account.whenever I connect to 'cast' shuffle automcaitlly turns on, and
I can't find a way to switch it off?
Longterm Unlimited subscriber. UK/Belgium Web Player on Chrome, MacOS I have just bought a Chromecast Audio for using with my Spotify account. whenever I connect to 'cast'...
Hey, I'm 99% sure my account was hacked and was being used to bot for
listnens. I've forced log out on all devices and changed my password.
Just curious if I should report this to somewhere.I can get a list of
the artists in the three playlist my acc...
Hey, I'm 99% sure my account was hacked and was being used to bot for listnens. I've forced log out on all devices and changed my password. Just curious if I should report this to somewhere. ...