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discover weekly playlist cover

discover weekly playlist cover

My Issue

Ive tried every method there is one the web to change the discover weekly playlist cover. I like the feature but I hate the picture, (picture of me and my ex) and I cannot stand to see it. Ive tried diconecting my facebook from spotify for a couple of days and then reconnecting my profile to update and yet it still does not work. I really need this picture changed. Help?


1 Reply

Hey @user-removed


The cover picture for Discover Weekly should update itself in a few days after updating your Facebook profile picture.

However, if yours has failed to do so, I recommend getting in touch with the Support team so they can help you get rid of that image by resetting it to default. 🙂

You can use one of the following paths:

Contact form (you may get a no-reply email telling to check Community or Support articles. Reply back to it and you'll be answered soon)



Have a lovely day!

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