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Lyrics not showing up

Lyrics not showing up






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Looks like lyrics not showing up on accounts that are family owners. Everything works fine on any other account in same family. I created a new account and lyrics are showing up, but when i switch to my main account, where i'm family owner lyrics just disappear

57 Replies

Same situation all my family members are showing up lyrics but not me.

Hey @e_popov and @lunaxeos65,


Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Community.


From what you're describe this sounds like an account-related issue. If the Lyrics feature indeed appears correctly on a new account that you create, a possible workaround would be that you use the steps here to transfer your music collection. That way nothing will get lost, plus you will have access to lyrics.


Hope this helps. Keep us posted on how it goes. 

Mihail Moderator
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Thanks, but I think you understand that this is not a solution, cause I can create a new account, get family subscription and not get lyrics. I could try it, but i don't wanna waste my money. I just wanna know if dev team or testers know about this issue, cause this problem happens not only with my account, I also checked my friend's account with duo subscription where he is owner and he also doesn't see lyrics in MOBILE APP

Hi there @e_popov,


Thank you for getting back in touch with us.


This feature have been rolled out globally. Can you confirm if you followed the steps that's provided in this article?


Can you perform a clean reinstall of the app? This will make sure there's no old cache files causing this.


Keep us posted 🙂

Take care!



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Hello, yeah, i did clear reinstall, also i tried my account on 3 different mobile devices(ios and android) and there were no lyrics, but on web player and desctop everything works fine. I'm 99% sure this problem happens only on mobile device(ios/android) and your account is family(or duo) owner.  There is no point in discussing this problem, someone should just report this issue to the developers.

I can confirm. I am also owner of a family account. The problem appears on IOS devices only. Testet on Iphone 13, Iphone 11, Ipad Air -> No Lyrics. Tested on Android TV, Webplayer Macbook -> Lyrics OK.

This problem is account related, my account is not showing lyrics on TV and android... Where all my family members have the feature on the same TV. If I log my account on a phone that shows lyrics, it doesn't when on my account. This have to be fixed. I was waiting for the feature to be released globally, cause others were informed that it was still in test, but now it's not a excuse anymore.

Creating a new account and transferring Playlist is not a fix, is ignoring the customer and telling them to solve its own problems.

Hello, I have exactly the same issue (family premium and all my family member have lyrics but not me 😕 ). I hope that something could be done by spotify side....

Reading the given answers  from spotify support, I feel a little pessimistic

Same here. 

Working on PC/Mac and android. But no Lyrics on IOS. 

And yes i followed all steps and even did a quick 2 times logout/login and clean install on ios


I think I might have found a (absolutely ridiculous) fix.


I had lyrics on pc, but not mobile and I'm part of a family plan (not the owner though). I tried creating a new free account and mysteriously had lyrics on mobile there.

While the new free account was still signed in - on the mobile app - I deleted the new account in my mobile browser (Chrome).

When I opened the app again, it automatically signed out of the now deleted account.

I then signed into my original account and the lyrics magically appeared.


I've tried all the other fixes - reinstalling the app, deleting the cache, logging in two times in a row etc., but none of it worked. But this worked for some reason. Hope it works for others.


Edit: Not a fix, but a very temporary workaround. Still needs to be fixed by Spotify.

Can't believe this worked! I just hope it doesn't go away if I ever log out again.
Thank you for sharing


Edit: It does go away if I log out, but I discovered that it doesn't require you delete the new acc, just force logoff on all devices on browser 

Amazing! Finally! I've been tinkering with all sorts of potential fixes for like a week now, so I'm so glad that it actually works and wasn't just some random occurrence!


Edit: Just realized the lyrics disappear when the app shuts down - not when you log out. That's quite annoying and would mean that I would either have to have Spotify running in the background at all times or force logoff every time I wanted to use the lyrics function. I truly do not get why this happens.


Edit edit: The force logoff doesn't bring back the lyrics for me, unfortunately.

Sound interesting, but how did you delete the account?

Who marked this as a solution? It's not. It's a temporary workaround (I also realized the lyrics go away if you close the app in background). This should still be fixed by Spotify. 

Just checked out - it doesn't work. this is not a solution! Please remove the solved flag!

I can’t believe that the moderators cannot contact the developers
I used this link. It only works for free accounts.

And as you very rightly pointed out - it's a very temporary fix, not a permanent solution. But it does kind make it seem like it's a bug at Spotify and not just some "account-related issue".

Thank you siljavj !

It worked for me ! I did exactly what you describe ! It's a very clever trick, thanks for sharing it ! 


I agree with other people : Please developers/moderators : add an option to correct the lyrics in the app and get inspired with the workaround tips from siljavj to find out the exact defect of the app.


Thanks !

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