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Unlinking from Facebook

Unlinking from Facebook

I want to unlink my Spotify Account from my Facebook, since I created the account with Facebook I have to make a new one, but I pay for the premium and I basically want to know what happens to my familys accounts that are linked to mine? Will I have to resend the email link and will they have to make new accounts too, or will they be unaffected?

3 Replies

Hi @SeaScout

This is what you have to do:

  1. Cancel the family plan and wait for the subscription to run out. At this point, your account along with any accounts in your family plan will be reverted to free. No playlists/music will be removed.
  2. Create a new account and send a request to the official Spotify support team by the contact form or @SpotifyCares on Twitter, to move all your music and playlists from the old account to the new one. After that, you can close the old account.
  3. Subscribe to Family on the new account and then send new email invites to all other accounts. They don't need new accounts, the existing ones will work just fine.

Hope this helps.

This seems like a lot of B.S. just to unlink from Facebook...why can't there be just a simple way of removing all links from Facebook?

Hey @ElkHunt.


Thanks for getting back to us.


Alternatively you can go to your Facebook settings here. Proceed with removing Spotify from the list with apps.


You'll notice that after a short time, up to 48 hours, your Facebook name won't be displayed in the Spotify app anymore. Now you'll be able to request a Spotify password though this page.


Your new username will be digits that have replaced your Facebook name in the app, and your password will be the one you have requested on our password reset page.


Hope that does the trick for you! Let us know if you have further questions.


Have a nice day 🙂

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