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Using Spotify Family with Alexa

Using Spotify Family with Alexa

Hi All,


I have Spotify Premium Family with 4 users and we all use Spotify on our phones, in our cars and on Alexa's in the house.

The problem I have is that if I'm listening on my phone or in the car and somebody at home starts to play music on one of our Alexa devices it either cuts on what I'm listening to or starts playing whatever the person at home is listening to. 


If I restart my music is changes what the person at home is listening to. Is there a way to delink the two so I can play my music on the go and they can play theirs at home without us interfering with each other?



Top Answer

Hey @stevehall116,


Thanks for reaching out!

The highlighted issue can be resolved if you set up an Amazon Household, which will allow you to have multiple profiles in the same account, linked to all your separate Spotify accounts. Check the floated top answer from this thread for more info on the subject 🙂


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36 Replies

Hey @stevehall116,


Thanks for reaching out!

The highlighted issue can be resolved if you set up an Amazon Household, which will allow you to have multiple profiles in the same account, linked to all your separate Spotify accounts. Check the floated top answer from this thread for more info on the subject 🙂


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I'm still struggling to work out how to do this. I have set up a household so we all have our own profile and we each have our own Spotify account via Spotify Premium Family. We have an echo dot each. How do we each link our own Echo dot to our own Spotify. When I add the Spotify skill to Alexa on my phone and link it to my spotify it applies that to every device.

I don't think this solves my problem. From what I can see an echo device can only be switched between the 2 adult members of the Amazon household so each Echo would be linked to the Spotify account of one of the two adults. Or is there something I'm missing.

We have an Amazon Household with the following members:

1. Me

2. Wife

3. Son

4. Daughter

5. Family


What I want to be able to do is the following:

Me - Echo Device 1 Linked to my Spotify Profile in Premium Family Account

Wife - Echo Device 2 Linked to her Spotify Profile in Premium Family Account

Son - Echo Device 3 Linked to his Spotify Profile in Premium Family Account

Daughter - Echo Device 4 Linked to her Spotify Profile in Premium Family Account

Family - Echo Device 5 Linked to family Spotify Profile in Premium Family Account


I also want each of the Echo devices to be able to "Drop in" on any of the others which I don't think is possible if each device is linked to a completely separate Amazon account rather than using Household.

Thanks for the reply @stevehall116,

In this case we recommend checking with Alexa support, to have a closer look at the Household setup and make sure all accounts are linked.

Keep in mind that if you're using separate Amazon accounts for each Alexa device, and each Amazon account is connected to one Spotify account, you should be able to use the devices separately. Also, should you be using Connect and voice commands, it will only work with the account that's currently connected. You can also find some more info here.

If anything else appears, just let us know!

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We have a Spotify Family account with two adults and two kids. Each kid has an Amazon Echo Dot in their room (but no phone or own Amazon account). We signed up for Amazon Household and set up Spotify profiles for each person, but can't figure out how to assign the profiles to each kid's Echo Dot. Every time someone in the house tries to play music it stops on the other Echo device. Help please!

@stevehall116 were you ever able to figure this out?? I have the exact same situation and it's driving me nuts. Every time I'm listening on one device and one of my kids starts to play music in their room, the one I'm listening to stops playing. We upgraded from Premium Duo to Family to avoid this. My kids don't have their own Amazon accounts (you know, because they are kids) so I can't link the different profiles to different accounts.

@stevehall116 were you ever able to figure this out?? I have the exact same situation and it's driving me nuts. Every time I'm listening on one device and one of my kids starts to play music in their room, the one I'm listening to stops playing. We upgraded from Premium Duo to Family to avoid this. My kids don't have their own Amazon accounts (you know, because they are kids) so I can't link the different profiles to different accounts.

I think that spotify engineers think that an spotify account is like the underwear and nobody but the user, listen music, but a lot of people "buy" a premium account for a whole familiy with smart devices like Amazon Alexa, if it is available for everyone, toddlers, teenagers, workers, wife/husband, cousins, uncles, aunts, granmothers, nannys, guests, etc etc etc ask alexa things and it usually recommends stupid songs from "don´t know who artists", or maybe for they personal preferences, that no necessarily is what I like in my recommendations or in my "home page".


Please add a holy button to clean history.

I don't think there is a way to do what you want (multiple spotify users on multiple alexa's) but if you each have a device(phone), there may be a workaround. 

In the alexa app create speaker groups for each person selecting the speakers that person wants their music to play to. On the spotify app (signed in as individual users on your individual devices/ phones), start your music. On the spotify app , In the bottom left corner when playing a song, click on the speaker icon and select the speaker group you want to "cast" to. 

It's my assumption that each person should be able to "cast" their music from their signed in spotify to the speaker group they've selected. 

Maybe, but they´d have to use the echo like a "dumb BT speaker", using the phone or tablet. No voice commands.

Has anyone figured this out yet? It’s driving me crazy! My podcasts are constantly stopping because my kids ask the Alexa in their rooms to play music. I don’t understand the point of Spotify family if we can’t link each account to our own echos. My kids are little and don’t have phones or their own Amazon accounts, but we have a household set up. At this point it seems like it would be easier to just switch to Amazon Music.

I've had the same issue for 4 years.... once i year a feel brave and waste about 2 hours trying again to set this up....

2 adults, 2 kids, 4 echos, spotify premium family.. we're not asking for much really are we ????

I’m having the same issue. We just upgraded to Spotify family and got our kids echo dots to play music and stories in their rooms, but they’re too young for their own phones so I manage all the controls through Amazon household. I’ve tried solving on both Alexa and Spotify side with no luck. I’m willing to sacrifice listening for them but now they also have to compete with each other, and unless there’s a solution I’m missing I see no need to keep Spotify family until they’re much older. 

The only way I have found to ‘fix’ this is create a new Amazon account each for my kids- although this involves a new unique mobile number, not already associated with Amazon-

Then I create both children a new Spotify account each, and invite them to the family account.

Then deregister the Amazon echo, link it then to one of the new Amazon accounts and then connect that to new Spotify account.

It works fine except from drop in feature. As the echos are all not linked together. Can’t link multi room audio.

Amazon music does this by default which honestly makes me consider moving back to Amazon music. I have multiple echo devices in the house and when I want to listen to music in my office and my daughter starts playing music on her echo it stops playback on mine then we fight back and forth until we realize that we are both trying to listen to music at the same time.  I paid for the family account to at least circumvent this so my family could listen on separate devices but doesn't resolve my amazon echo issue.


I see posts dating back more than 10 years complaining about this, so clearly I'm not the only one frustrated with this.

I tried everything but ended up concluding none of the workarounds were OK for us. The only real solution is to cancel Spotify and switch to Amazon Music which is a real shame, as I massively prefer Spotify for their better music recommendations. I don't get why this hasn't been solved, but assume that maybe Amazon don't make it easy for 3rd party music streaming services - and why would they if the status quo results in people reluctantly switch to Amazon Music.

Spotify is not backing down on this issue. You can use Amazon music or Apple music. The both work fine with multiple speakers. Even if you figure out how to connect the adult accounts, you still have the issue that if anybody streams on the adult alexa it will stop any music on your phone. Spotify just does not trust their customers.

My Family Premium account has myself, spouse and 2 kids. I'm unable to have my daughter use her family plan account on the Echo dot (it seems unable to switch from my profile/account). Will I have the same problem if I buy a Google device to use? (I'm the account owner/manager for Spotify, Amazon, and Google, but they should have their own accounts.)

I'm experiencing the same issue.

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