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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Ben öğrenci premium almak istiyorum fakat şu an öğrenciler için 3 aylık
0,99 tl kampanyası var ve ben bu kampanyadan daha önce faydalandığım
için tekrar alamıyorum ve normal şekilde öğrenci premium alabilmem için
de bi seçenek mevcut değil. Bunun dış...
Ben öğrenci premium almak istiyorum fakat şu an öğrenciler için 3 aylık 0,99 tl kampanyası var ve ben bu kampanyadan daha önce faydalandığım için tekrar alamıyorum ve normal şekilde öğrenci premium a...
Hey, my sister was the owner of our last spotify premium family
membership. She went to live to another country and now i cant have
premium features. My other sister, who lives in my house, got a new
familiar premium pack but when she invited me it s...
Hey, my sister was the owner of our last spotify premium family membership. She went to live to another country and now i cant have premium features. My other sister, who lives in my house, g...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(Samsung Galaxy 9+)Operating System(iOS
10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue Hi, My daughter
missed one payment for the Premium Family Plan and I was thrown out of
the Family Plan. Now she resolved the...
...ne payment for the Premium Family Plan and I was thrown out of the Family Plan. Now she resolved the problem but when I try to register once again through the newly generated link, it says "No fue p...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry BrasilDeviceMoto GOperating SystemAndroid My
Question or Issue Eu tinha o plano premium e minha irma me colocou no
plano familiar, so que estão me cobrando o premium ainda, passei para o
plano familiar mes passado e esse mes m...
Plan Free/Premium Country Brasil Device Moto G Operating System Android My Question or Issue Eu tinha o plano premium e minha irma me colocou no plano familiar, so que es...
PlanPremiumCountry TurkeyDeviceiPhone 7Operating SystemiOS 11 My
Question or Issue I have family premium and I made the payment but i
can’t invite my family members even though we live in the same address.
It looks like I’ve invited them but email ar...
Plan Premium Country Turkey Device iPhone 7 Operating System iOS 11 My Question or Issue I have family premium and I made the payment but i can’t invite my family m...
I am setting up my family on the plan to where each can listne to what
they want when they want. When I send the invite do they have to set up
their own account as I attempted with my "work account" on my work phone
and it controlled my "personal pho...
I am setting up my family on the plan to where each can listne to what they want when they want. When I send the invite do they have to set up their own account as I attempted w...
PlanPremium Family My Question or IssueI am staying at the same address
as my family member who is the owner but there seems to be a problem
with my Spotify Family Premium. The first time I was sent the invite, I
was able to join the Family Premium. ...
Plan Premium Family My Question or Issue I am staying at the same address as my family member who is the owner but there seems to be a problem with my Spotify Family Premium. The first t...
PlanFreeCountry BrasilDeviceMotorola g3 and desktopOperating
SystemAndroid and Windowns 7 My Question or Issue I'm having trouble
accepting invitation to a family plan because I do not receive the email
to accept. I sought every possible way to accep...
Plan Free Country Brasil Device Motorola g3 and desktop Operating System Android and Windowns 7 My Question or Issue I'm having trouble accepting invitation to a family p...
My brother sent me an invite. I have been trying to joined but every
time I tried, it gives me an error when I submit. "You're unable to join
this Family plan. Need help? Read our FAQ." There is nothing in the FAQ
which tells me what's causing this v...
My brother sent me an invite. I have been trying to joined but every time I tried, it gives me an error when I submit. "You're unable to join this Family plan. Need help? Read our FAQ." &n...
PlanFamilyCountryActually Italy, but it shows Germany (I'm German) My
Question or Issue I subscribed any payed for a Family Plan for my whole
family. PROBLEM: None of them can register their accounts. It always
says that the address is wrong.What can...
Plan Family Country Actually Italy, but it shows Germany (I'm German) My Question or Issue I subscribed any payed for a Family Plan for my whole family. P...
PlanFamilyCountry AustraliaDeviceSamsung8Operating SystemWindows 10 My
Question or IssueI've just upgraded from free to Family plan, when and
how do I know that the plan has switched?
Plan Family Country Australia Device Samsung8 Operating System Windows 10 My Question or Issue I've just upgraded from free to Family plan, when and how do I know that the p...
Spoiler (Highlight to read)Spoiler (Highlight to read) Hey, So basically
i wanted to connect to a spotify family account, but the link doesn't
seem to work... it basically loads forever and doesn't go to the next
page where i can enter and confirm my...
Hey, So basically i wanted to connect to a spotify family account, but the link doesn't seem to work... it basically loads forever and doesn't go to the next page w...
PlanPremiumCountry NetherlandsDeviceSamsung Operating System(iOS 10,
Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue Ik wil graag van
mijn Spotify Premium account een Spotify family Premium account maken.
Hoe kan ik dit regelen, zonder dubbel te ...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry HondurasDeviceGalaxy S 5Operating SystemAndroid
My Question or IssueI live in Honduras and one of my friends that I live
with upgraded to the Family Premium Plan and invited me to be a part of
it. He doesn't have an address li...
Plan Free/Premium Country Honduras Device Galaxy S 5 Operating System Android My Question or Issue I live in Honduras and one of my friends that I live with upgraded to the Family...
Olá, eu adiquiri o Plano Familiar Spotify, e convidei meu irmão, a conta
dele deixou de ser premium e eu reenviei o e-mail, mesmo assim ele não
conseguiu, criamos uma nova conta e dá o mesmo erro. Os perfis estão
cadastrados corretamente. Por favor g...
Olá, eu adiquiri o Plano Familiar Spotify, e convidei meu irmão, a conta dele deixou de ser premium e eu reenviei o e-mail, mesmo assim ele não conseguiu, criamos uma nova conta e dá o mesmo erro. Os...
I used to have the Premium version and suddenly I was sent to the free
version. My brother is who is the subscriber and sent me another
invitation to his família group. Though, when I try to fill out the form
again and return to my profile, It doesn'...
I used to have the Premium version and suddenly I was sent to the free version. My brother is who is the subscriber and sent me another invitation to his família group. Though, when I try to fill out...
Ola, quero saber como faço para incluir um membro no plano familiar.
Pois enviei o convite, ela aceitou porém da a mensagem q o código
premium é inválido . entretanto, esta correto. Nao sei como proceder.
Aguardo . obrigada
Ola, quero saber como faço para incluir um membro no plano familiar. Pois enviei o convite, ela aceitou porém da a mensagem q o código premium é inválido . entretanto, esta correto. Nao sei com...