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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
When i tried to enter the system forced me to re-register which I
somehow did, but it is now saying I have a trial period in which to
consider whether to join premium. However we are already paying for this
under the family account which I cannot acc...
Hello, I used spotify premium in family account for years now, but on
19.03 i was kicked out for no reason. Then i contact our host and we
check that I'm no more in family. Hi try to invite me, but i see that
message: You can’t join this planWe could...
Hello, I used spotify premium in family account for years now, but on 19.03 i was kicked out for no reason. Then i contact our host and we check that I'm no more in family. &n...
I was trying to join my brother's premium family plan but the app is
saying that I am trying to join from a different country. I already
checked that my account is set to Malaysia as previous posts suggested.
My payments are all in terms of MYR but i...
I was trying to join my brother's premium family plan but the app is saying that I am trying to join from a different country. I already checked that my account is set to Malaysia as previous posts s...
Unable to join family plan in the same home. We are sat opposite each
other in the same registered address and the message received is unable
to join as you are not within the same country? PlanFamily plan Country
DeviceiPhone Operating SystemApple M...
Unable to join family plan in the same home. We are sat opposite each other in the same registered address and the message received is unable to join as you are not within the same country? P...
Help I set up a family plan so that we can all have our own accounts but
when I log into Spotify kids on their tablet it says I can't set it up
because the plan manager does that but I AM the plan manager
Help I set up a family plan so that we can all have our own accounts but when I log into Spotify kids on their tablet it says I can't set it up because the plan manager does that but I AM the plan manager
PlanPremium FamilyCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueMy parents are on the premium family plan with me but
they are still getting ads on their S...
Plan Premium Family Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue My p...
We moved to another country. As the family plan manager I changed the
address and sent invite links to all members. 3 joined successfully, 1
is not allowed. It says that he is in another country although he is
right next to me and puts the exact same...
We moved to another country. As the family plan manager I changed the address and sent invite links to all members. 3 joined successfully, 1 is not allowed. It says that he is in another country a...
I have just upgraded to a family plan. My son has a phone (11 yrs old)
and I want to put him on the family account. It says he needs an
account, I've tried to set one up but I can't because he is not old
enough. If I log in as me it says I have it on...
I have just upgraded to a family plan. My son has a phone (11 yrs old) and I want to put him on the family account. It says he needs an account, I've tried to set one up but I can't because he is n...
I want to invite my family member, and my plan is active with family
premium plan, but for some reason, it kept showing "You can’t join this
planPlease try again later.Or find another Premium plan that’s right for
you."please check on that, thanks
I want to invite my family member, and my plan is active with family premium plan, but for some reason, it kept showing "You can’t join this plan Please try again later. Or find another P...
I'm having a problem like that. I am from one country and we move to
another with my family. I have more family members living with me now in
this new country and address. I have space in my family account but i
can't invite them. I want to remark "w...
I'm having a problem like that. I am from one country and we move to another with my family. I have more family members living with me now in this new country and address. I have space in my family...
I have sent the invite to my daughter, but she is unable to join my
family. I had removed her and am trying to add her back. She has a gmail
account. She can sign into the app where she is a free member, but can't
sign in to the spotify account websi...
I have sent the invite to my daughter, but she is unable to join my family. I had removed her and am trying to add her back. She has a gmail account. She can sign into the app w...
My family and I are on holiday in a different country and I would like
to add a family member to the already existing family account. During
the process of registration we’re asked to put in our address. Our
underage son obviously still lives with us...
My family and I are on holiday in a different country and I would like to add a family member to the already existing family account. During the process of registration we’re asked to put in o...
My husband drives my daughter to school in my car. Rivian will only
allow one Spotify account connected to the vehicle. So my podcast won’t
play (at home as I’m getting ready for the day) when he is driving her
to school. I have a family plan. Please...
...s driving her to school. I have a family plan. Please help me solve for this. It’s super annoying as a long time paying customer to have my session ended because of my husband who is also on my family p...
PlanPremium Family My Question or IssueHello, we need help with Premium
Family account, plan manager is not using spotify anymore and we want to
have option to manage our members. Plan manager tried to change for his
position one of our plan members,...
Plan Premium Family My Question or Issue Hello, we need help with Premium Family account, plan manager is not using spotify anymore and we want to have option to manage our m...
PlanPremiumCountryUK My Question or IssueI pay for Spotify Premium
Family and have sent an invite link to use the 5th of 6 available
members.When I log in to my account from my PC the user name is listed
in the plan. When I log in to their account fr...
Plan Premium Country UK My Question or Issue I pay for Spotify Premium Family and have sent an invite link to use the 5th of 6 available members. When I log in to my account from my P...
I am trying to join our Premium Family plan as a member after being a
plan owner of a Premium Duo plan. When I click on the link to login and
join the account (tried on both phone and laptop), I am able to sign in
to my account and search my address,...
I am trying to join our Premium Family plan as a member after being a plan owner of a Premium Duo plan. When I click on the link to login and join the account (tried on both phone and laptop), I am a...
Hi all,My daughter studied abroad 3 years ago and she registered a
foreign account there. She subscribed as individual premium account for
probably 2 years. After her graduation, she moved back with us and I try
to invite her to join my premium famil...
...ith us and I try to invite her to join my premium family account recently. The problem is that she cannot join it as the system keeps telling her "You need to live at the same address. It l...