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premium for family

premium for family

Hi team,

I have a problem with this premium for family.

My account was created with Facebook so I never put an adress, but now with yours new policy to confirm with my family members, they cannot agree because the adress dont match.

I need to resolve this as soon as possible.



1 Reply

Hi @NicolasLucero89, welcome to the Community!


Keep in mind that the address that the system requests is the one you entered when you sent the first invite for your Premium for Family plan.



Can you send a new invite to your family members and ask them to accept it with the address you might remember?


If this doesn't work, we recommend that you contact us via email here or through our official social media channels in Facebook or Twitter. This way, we'll be able to take a closer look at your account and see what happened there.


Hope this helps 🙂 

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