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Can't join Premium Duo

Can't join Premium Duo



Premium Duo




Galaxy S9+, PC

Operating System

Android 10, Windows 10


My Question or Issue

I have been trying for almost a month to join my husbands Duo account with no luck. I double and triple checked that our countries matched on our accounts, the address is the same, I logged out of all Spotify accounts, and I have used our home laptop, my cell phone, and even work computer, with no luck.
I hate that we are paying for a service that half of us do not have access to.

13 Replies

Hi @nikkivaught,

Welcome and Thank you for reaching out to the Community with your Premium Duo issue. Can you double-check that your husband has invited you to the Duo Plan? He will need to invite you first for you to have Premium. Please let me know. Thanks.

Looking out for your replies.

Yes, he has sent several invites, none of them work.

Hi @nikkivaught,

Would you mind sending me a screenshot of your issue? I would appreciate it. Thanks.

This is the message that I get everytime.


Hi @nikkivaught,

Would you kindly try a different device, such as a computer? Would you also try a different browser too? Such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc. If none of them work can you also try using incongnito Window?

Hope this helps. Looking out for your replies.

I am having the same issue! When my husband tries to join with the invite link, it says that we are not at the same address! Then they say he canโ€™t join the plan for another year! So frustrated!

Hey @ekuttes,


Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Community.


Could you share a screenshot of the exact error message your husband receives? We'll happily take a closer look.


Please keep in mind Premium Family/ Duo members are allowed to switch plans once per year. They are however able to return to the plan they just left. If your husband has already made a switch in the past 12 months, he can either wait for the period to end or he can activate another Premium subscription himself. 


Hope this info is useful. We'll be keeping an eye out for your reply if you have any questions. 

Mihail Moderator
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Did this issue get resolved? I am seeing the exact same error message whenever my husband sends an invite for me to join Duo. Is there a human that we can speak to and get this resolved?

Hey @duffeya,


Thanks for reaching out about this in the Community!

We're all human here ๐Ÿ™‚


Can you let us know when exactly you're getting the error? When you try to open the invitation link on your own device? Also, let us know if you were a member of a Family/ Duo plan in the past.


Looking forward to your reply.

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I'm having the same problem. My fiance and I have been on a Duo plan together for I want to say a year and just recently we missed our payment and our plan was canceled. We just paid it tonight, he sent me an invite and it's saying I can't join.


Hi @Marlanajenkins89,


Thanks for posting on the Community and welcome,


No worries. We recommend that you get in contact with customer support here. The right folks will check this further with you.


Remember the Community is here for you in case you need anything else. 


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Im having a similar issue here.
I cant access a duo account created by my spouse, as Spotify does not recognize the address when I add it to my account as the same as hers (which is exactly the same as she wrote and we have checked). The error we get is YOU NEED TO LIVE AT THE SAME ADDRESS, as the attached image. How can I solve this?

spotify error.jpg

Hi there @shamirmo,


Thank you for taking the time to post in this thread and for providing us a screenshot. Let's take a closer look into this.


To start with, can you make sure that you have the same country setting on your account pages?


We also recommend that you try from an incognito/private window.


Let us know how it goes so that we can continue to assist you if you need us to. Have a great start of your weekend ๐Ÿ™‚ 

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