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How to get refund

How to get refund

Tonight I searched on the internet the offer these days, through which you can get three months of spotify premium at a cost of € 0.99. I inserted the card data and activated it. On the receipt I found on the mail there is written that they took 9.99 euros. Previously, I had been using a free trial of one month. Then I paid a month subscription and finally returned to free. For customers who have already tried the test, are not the other offers? If yes, why is it not mentioned anywhere?
Now I have the active premium but I did not use it. Can you at least receive the refund?
1 Reply

Hey @gabrieleesposit, welcome to the Spotify Community!


The €0,99 deal is only for users who have never tried Premium before. If you believe you're eligible for a refund, all you need to do is get in contact with Spotify support and their Accounts team can take a look backstage. The easiest way to contact them is by messaging SpotifyCares on Facebook or Twitter. They usually respond within 48 hours!

Please let me know if you need help with anything else 🙂

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