f you have several charges from Spotify within the same month, let’s figure out what happened.
If the charges occurred around the same time
This can happen if you clicked START MY SPOTIFY PREMIUM twice by mistake during the signup process.
You don’t need to do anything. The second payment is automatically applied to your next month, and you won’t be charged again until the month after. You can check this on your subscription page.
It's also possible that any extra charges are only 'pending' and won't complete, meaning no money will actually leave your account. For more information, see Unexpected Spotify charges on my bank statement.
If the charges occurred on different dates
This means you likely have more than one Spotify account.
- Check with your friends/family to see if anyone you know subscribed with your payment details.
- Follow our guide to finding any other accounts you might have subscribed to Premium.
If you upgraded to Premium for Family
When you upgrade a Spotify Premium account to a Premium for Family account (as the Admin), your remaining Premium time is converted to the new rate. This means your renewal date will come earlier than usual – even in the same month.