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Student Discount

Student Discount

I followed all the directions for the student discount account (canceled my existing premium, waited for the end of month, then apply for student premium. My school is on the list and it works since I had no issue whatsoever with Apple Music.  I can not get past the credit card screen and tried 3 different credit cards on both iPhone and PC.  I am very frustrated as I have been trying for about 4 days now.  Please help or I am just going to give up and switch to apple.  Your site support options are not great either so hopefully I get a quick response here.  Looks like this is my only support option?  NO phone number to call, no chat, nothing - not great customer expereice to be honest.

2 Replies

almost the same stuff. Yesterday I was trying to connect my premium with student discount ( i didn't have any premium connected, so I didn't need to disconnect it first and wait for a month) and I did what was needed: I registered my card and sent the document that verifies that I'm studying in university. In the evening the money from my card was taken but nothing changed in my profile ( I have still free version). Is that the only place where I can complain or ask for a help? 

Hey @mycole98,


Welcome to the forums!


Sorry for your student discount issues. Let's see if I can help 🙂


From what I can see you have taken all the correct contact Spotify about this issue further please see:


If you get an automated reply email telling you to check the help section or the community, you need to reply back to it, even if it's from a no-reply address.


Support usually replies within 24-48 hours.


You can also tweet or DM @SpotifyCares on Twitter or send a message to Spotify Cares on Facebook.



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Robert_WRock Star 11
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