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Collaborative playlist option disappeared

Collaborative playlist option disappeared

My Question or Issue

I am using the desktop windows 10 and mobile Android app - and on all platforms the option to make a playlist collaborative has disappeared, please help get it back. 

It is only showing option to invite collaborator but when I add my friends as collaborator they are unable to add songs to the playlist.
75 Replies

I have the option to invite collaborators, but the person who received the link, can't add songs the the playlist, even if he liked the playlist and did "add to my profile".

When he make "add to a playlist" on a song, he see only his playlists, not the shared one.

And in your documentation, you mention the option to make a playlist collaborative, but this doesn't exist anymore in the options, we only have the "Invite collaborators"

Edit : we both use the windows desktop client, version indicated in my first message

I am also expericing this same issue – have been for about a week or 2.

I am also experiencing this issue – have been for a week or 2 now.

Here’s a screen recording of the issue using Spotify mobile app. The playlist was collaborative previously before I put it on private for some time. I wanted to make it collaborative again but the “Make Collaborative” option is missing. 

I am having the same issue as everyone else in this thread. For context:


Device - Macbook Air (M1, 2020) / macOS Monterey Ver 12.1

Spotify - Desktop app / most updated version (I couldn't find the exact one but I don't have any updates available)


In our office we do a weekly collaborative playlist to boost morale and have a little fun towards the end of the week. My coworker and I are the main people who run these weekly playlists. About 3 weeks ago, we noticed we were having issues with people not being able to add songs to the collaborative playlist. I will also mention that I noticed these issues started to arrive when the "Make Collaborative" option became "Invite Collaborators." We tried everything from making the playlist private/public, adding it to the profile, copying the link from "invite collaborators," copying the link from the collaborators icon (next to the download button), creating the playlist on mobile, trying to add songs on mobile, etc. None of the things we tried worked and I ended up making the playlist on my account instead. All was seemingly ok until this week when I start to have the same issue. My coworkers informed me that they were unable to add any songs even though they had accessed the playlist from the pop-up, were also using the desktop or mobile app, were previously able to add songs, and have a Spotify account. I logged into a different account to try for myself and still had the same issue. To get a better idea, I described the steps I took and when I encountered the problem:


- I click on the link provided from the "invite collaborators" option

- the link takes me to a pop-up browser which then asks me if I want to open my Spotify desktop app. 

- I open the playlist on the desktop app

- I add the playlist to my account by favoriting it (click the heart icon)

- the playlist is added to my playlists and appears on the left side of my screen

- I go to add a song and am unable to do so. When I click and drag a song the playlist is grayed out like it would be for a playlist I just follow. When I click the three dots on a song and try "add to a playlist" the collaborative playlist is not shown. You can see my attachments for screenshots of this.


This problem is persisting even for members who are listed as collaborators on the playlist as well. I am not sure if this is some sort of bug that happened when the collaborative playlist function was updated or what but prior to the change we never had any issues adding songs or collaborating on a playlist. Some insight would be much appreciated.


Thank you,



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Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 2.04.13 PM.png

Hi @abbyelens!


Could you try removing all collaborators from the playlist, then sending them a new invite? If that doesn't work, try the following:

  1. Copy the contents of the playlist. Use  Ctrl + A to select all tracks inside the playlist, then press Ctrl + C.
  2. Create a new playlist, paste the tracks in it, then invite your colleagues as collaborators again. It's important you send them the Invite collaborators link, instead of the Share link, since if you send them the Share link, they can only follow the playlist, but not edit its contents.

Let us know how it goes.

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It does appear the collaborative playlist option is broken. I have tried every solution listed here and elsewhere and I get the same results as everyone else.

  1. Click "Invite collaborators to 'Playlist'" icon (person with a plus symbol), and it just says, "Link copied to clipboard".
  2. Paste the link to a notepad
  3. Log out of Spotify and log into the other account trying to make a collaborator
  4. Click "Search", paste the link, press "Enter", and the playlist shows up
  5. Click the "Save to Your Library" icon (heart), and the playlist appears in my library
  6. Click the ellipses next to any song and there is no option to remove the song, and no option to add another song to this playlist - no collaborative features - share only

If I right-click any playlist, there is no "Make Collaborative" option. There's only "Invite collaborators" which does the same exact thing as the "Invite" icon and has the same result. It is sharing just fine, but there are no collaborative features. My friend just paid to upgrade his account just so we could collaborate on playlists, and now it seems to have been a waste of money.


I've tried this with the Windows 10 desktop app, Android mobile app, and Web app (which I know doesn't have collaborative options anyway). I tried the Windows app installed from the Microsoft Store, then uninstalled that and used the app I downloaded from the Spotify website with the same result. The mobile app is up to date as well, and has the same result on my Motorola, my wife's Samsung, and my son's iPhone.


I also tried creating playlist from scratch with the same results. I also tried it from multiple accounts, not just my own.


This needs to be fixed please!

I have also tried all of the options above. Nothing works. I’ve tried
inviting different accounts. I’ve had them try to invite me. And it never

Hey @Spriggs23,

Thanks for posting and welcome to the Community!


Could you specify what troubleshooting you've tried exactly, and by doing so to help us avoid giving you the same advices again? Also it could be worthwhile to try the suggestion given by @Yordan particularly and see if it'll help you resolve this situation.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get on.

Kiril Moderator
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All it does when I click the "Invite Collaborators" option, is that it copies a link to my clipboard. That link is only viable for 24 hours. I just want to keep it open to ALL collaborators. Why is this no longer an option?

Same sentiments here. Wish they’d revert the change or have both options available - Make Collaborative and Invite Collaborators.

Hi, I am having the same issue for about two weeks now. The "make collaborative" option is no longer available, yes you can invite collaborators but the playlist does not appear as collaborative nor does it show who has added a song. Can someone help me with this?

Hi @Yordan,


I made a new playlist and shared it with my coworkers and they are still unable to add any songs. I am also very aware of the difference between the "Share Playlist" and the "Invite Collaborators" option as I have been using Spotify for close to 8 years now. This issue needs to be sent to IT or a team that can look further into it as me and MANY others in this thread are experiencing the same problem and none of the troubleshooting recommendations are solving it. I expect this to be sent to a competent team that can dive into this issue and provide an answer as to why collaborative playlists are not working anymore or fix it altogether. 



Honestly I have tried everything that has been discussed on this thread. I
have attempted inviting collaborators from different platforms (iOS and
windows 10). Tried saving playlists, logging out then logging into a
different account to share the same playlist. I’ve deleted the playlist and
created a new one to try and invite others to. I’ve had people invite me
with no avail. I’ve deleted and reinstalled the app.

Literally nothing works.

Is there an update on this issue please?

Having the same issue, and I've tried all the troubleshooting listed here and it's still not working. 

I’m having an issue where I made a new playlist and shared the link so they can listen, not to invite collaborators, but it sent a link saying they have an invitation to add to my playlist and I can see they are following it. Older playlists I shared don’t do this. Neither of us have tried adding/removing songs cause we don’t want to mess with the lists.

I have the same issue and the last mobile app update didn't solve it. 

Hi everyone!


The previous Collaborative playlist feature has now been replaced with the current Invite Collaborators. This allows anyone who joins the playlist within 24hrs via the invite link to be a collaborator as before, but now the playlist owner can control whether to keep the invitees as collaborators, revoke their editing permissions (and have them just as listeners), or remove them altogether.


The invite link will expire after 24hrs, so a new one has to be generated and shared if a collaborator has missed the timeframe to join. This adds additional privacy and control over playlists and is a highly requested feature from our Community Ideas.


Our support site has now also been updated to reflect the new functionality.


Hope this clears things up. Take care!

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i found that sharing older playlist does not automatically invite people to be a collaborator but I can invite them using the invite option. I tested this theory when I realized my new playlist was inviting the friend I shared the new playlist link to. I haven’t had any issues with inviting people to collaborate, I have an iPhone and was wondering what phone other people have where they can’t invite people.

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